LC telecon Minutes 2013-11-20

LC telecon Minutes 2013-11-20


LC telecon 2013-11-20

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve Minutes:  DRAFT LC telecon Minutes 2013-09-11, LC telecon Minutes 2013-09-25
  3. Administration:
    1. Action Item Review
    2. Executive Director Report - see Executive Director's Corner
    3. Voting and Nominations:
      1. BoT liaison #2
      2. Closing the NSTIC DG
  4. Discussion
    1. Review/Discuss Annual WG Charter Renewal
    2. Operating Procedures and the rules for WG/DG leadership
    3. WG recharter efforts
      1. UMA: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/V4rWAw 
  5. Marketing updates
    1. Target the F2Fs for Fall and Spring (potentially at EIC plenary in Munich?)
    2. Marketing and Outreach
      1. Event Radar 2013 and 2014
  6. WG Updates
  7. BoT Liaison Representative Update
  8. AOB
  9. Adjourn


  • John Bradley - FIWG
  • Sal D'Agostino - AIM WG
  • Myisha Frazier-McElveen - IAWG
  • Ingo Friese - Telco ID WG, IdOT DG
  • Andrew Hughes - HIAWG
  • Colin Wallis - eGov
  • Eve Maler - UMA
  • Pete Palmer - HIAWG

Quorum is 5 of 8 as of 22 May 2013.



  • Patrick Curry
  • Pete Palmer
  • Joni Brennan

Minutes & Notes

MotionIDMotionMovedSecondDiscussion / ObjectionStatus
20131120-01Motion to approve the revised UMA charterSal D'Agostino - AIMColin Wallis - eGovsee notesApproved
20131120-02LC telecon Minutes 2013-09-25 minutes approvedSal D'Agostino - AIMMyisha Frazier-McElveen - IAWGno discussionApproved
20131120-03Sal D'Agostino is nominated as Kantara BoT liaison #2Colin Wallis - eGovMyisha Frazier-McElveen - IAWGno discussionApproved
20131120-04Motion to close the NSTIC DGSal D'Agostino - AIMPete Palmer - HIAWGno discussionApproved
20131120-05Motion to approve the revised IAWG charterSal D'Agostino - AIMJohn Bradley - FIWGsee notesApproved
20131120-06Motion to approve the revised HIAWG charterColin Wallis - eGovMyisha Frazier-McElveen - IAWGsee notesApproved
20131120-07Motion to approve the revised FIWG charterSal D'Agostino - AIMColin Wallis - eGovsee notesApproved

Action Item Review


Assigned To




20130814-01Colin WallisOpenContact Peter Capek for any last edits to the PACColin completed his action, but no response from Peter
20130828-01Allan FosterOpenReach out to local U. Washington office re: potential internship 



Voting and Nominations:
  1. BoT liaison #2
    1. Strongly encourage nominations, as Colin Wallis is also likely to step down shortly
    2. Work requires attendance at Trustee meetings and periodic LC liaison reports
    3. Sal D'Agostino self-nominates
      1. Colin moves to nominate, Myisha seconds - no discussion
  2. Closing the NSTIC DG
    1. Sal moves to shutdown the NSTIC DG; Pete Palmer seconds - no discussion
Work Group recharter efforts
  • UMA: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/V4rWAw  - a few classes of things changed: things old and no longer applicable, length of the group changed to ongoing, and firmly ensconcing UMA's work as a high value-high quality effort for Kantara.  Intent was to explain why UMA is relevant to Kantara's mission, and echoed some of the language in the mission statement
    • Motion to approve revised UMA charter - passed
  • IAWG: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/xonWAw - moving this more to an operational entity and not a start-up effort any longer; trying to look at what the group regularly does is captured and explicitly mentioning what work is out of scope; tried to make sure to describe where the IAWG role starts and ends in relation to other groups
    • Motion to approve revised IAWG charter - passed
  • adding the HIAWG charter for review: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/h4HWAw - completely rewritten to bring it up to date with current efforts, changed scope, dropped the items that were long dead due to lack of funding
    • Motion to approve revised HIAWG charter - passed
  • FIWG - https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/zIzWAw - has been approved by the FIWG; changes to reflect the new responsibility for profiles (saml2int and eGov); other than that, just minor updates; note that the group is producing a profile that FICAM may approve, but which is not necessarily a FICAM-approved profile
  • status from eGov - has a draft, some additional comments have been provided by Gov't of Canada but not sure if this has been incorporated or not in the text; group will continue as a WG at this time, but will be reviewing whether or not they should move to a DG next year
  • status of Telco ID - group is unlikely to revise charter; group is no longer active
  • status of AIM - charter still (slowly) under review

Marketing updates

  1. Target the F2Fs for Fall and Spring (potentially at EIC plenary in Munich?)
    1. Overtaken by Events - any F2F is likely to be in 2014
  2. Marketing and Outreach
    1. Event Radar 2013 and 2014


WG Updates

  • HIAWG - some feasibility studies currently on the books, with a meeting on Monday with DirectTrust to discuss further; what are we studying the feasibility of?

BoT Liaison Representative Update

  • Trustees meet this week
  • Have discussed rules and operating procedures; some concern about having non-members of the org in officer roles of the WG and DG; this would have a direct bearing on the LC; need to discuss this further on the LC on our next call
  • Still have a strong pipeline of orgs demonstrating interest in approvals

Next meeting