LC telecon Notes 2013-11-06

LC telecon Notes 2013-11-06

Insufficient attendance - call closed at 13:25

Agenda copied to feed next call

LC telecon 2013-11-06

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve Minutes:  DRAFT LC telecon Minutes 2013-09-11, LC telecon Minutes 2013-09-25, LC telecon Notes 2013-10-09
  3. Administration:
    1. Action Item Review
    2. Executive Director Report
    3. Voting and Nominations:
      1. BoT liaison #2
  4. Discussion
    1. Review/Discuss Annual WG Charter Renewal
    2. Operating Procedures and the rules for WG/DG leadership
    3. WG recharter efforts
      1. ISWG: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/_4HWAw
      2. UMA: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/V4rWAw 
      3. FIWG
      4. eGov
      5. AIM WG
  5. Marketing updates
    1. Target the F2Fs for Fall and Spring (potentially at EIC plenary in Munich?)
    2. Marketing and Outreach
      1. Event Radar 2013 and 2014
      2. IIW planning
  6. WG Updates
  7. BoT Liaison Representative Update
  8. AOB
  9. Adjourn


Quorum is 5 of 8 as of 22 May 2013.



Minutes & Notes

MotionIDMotionMovedSecondDiscussion / ObjectionStatus

Action Item Review


Assigned To




20130814-01Colin WallisOpenContact Peter Capek for any last edits to the PACColin completed his action, but no response from Peter
20130828-01Allan FosterOpenReach out to local U. Washington office re: potential internship 
20130925-01Heather FlanaganCompleteDocument the yearly chartering activity as an LC policy and post on wiki 



  • postponing voting on minutes until Pete, Sal have a chance to work on cleaning up those minutes


Next meeting