LC telecon Minutes 2013-03-13

LC telecon Minutes 2013-03-13

Minutes taken from a call recording

DRAFT minutes pending LC review

LC telecon 2013-03-13

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve Minutes: LC telecon Minutes 2013-01-09
  3. Administration:
    1. Executive Director report
    2. Action Item Review
    3. Quarterly Reports
    4. LC Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary nominations - update
    5. Review of call schedule
      1. call day/time still ok?
      2. strategy + admin still ok?
    6. Update on open All-Member Ballots
      1. At-Large BoT seats
      2. Kantara IAF Ballot
  4. Discussion and Votes
    1. By-Laws discussion
      1. Subscriber vs Member
      2. Subcommittees and Liaisons
  5. WG Updates - 2013 plans
  6. BoT Liaison Representative Update
  7. AOB
  8. Adjourn


  • Eve Maler
  • Allan Foster
  • Pete Palmer
  • Colin Wallis
  • Myisha Frazier-McElveen

Quorum is 5 of 9 as of 13 March 2013.


  • Andrew Hughes
  • Joni Brennan


Minutes & Notes

MotionIDMotionMovedSecondDiscussion / ObjectionStatus
20130313-01Approval of minutes from LC telecon Minutes 2013-01-09Colin Wallis (eGov)Eve Maler (UMA)Accepted with an ammendment to spell out SAFE-biopharmaApproved

Executive Director report

  • Joni will send a longer follow on report via email
  • Had a run of meetings in the last month
    • RSA Conference - had a nice reception sponsored by ForgeRock, NRI, IEEE-SA, OpenStand, Experian, Equifax, ISOC; also had a Kantara breakfast which allowed us to sync up with a variety of individuals; so, no panel sessions but very successful side events
      • (Colin) the reception, Non-Profits on the Loose, was an excellent networking event
    • HIMSS - Health Information and Management Systems Society - very similar to RSA but much larger (35K in attendance); had a workshop, but not sure it was particularly successful; not a lot of attendance to that session; two take-aways from the panel - it was misnamed in the agenda ("special meeting" instead of "education" and "by-invitation-only"), which may have impacted the attendance, and talking about compliance may have been considered as interesting as doing taxes; title and subject should really be adjusted for future events; also noted that there remains a large education gap regarding what IDM is all about, and that is a space that Kantara can fill
      • (Pete) should not give up on this event; this was really more a mislabelling problem than a message problem; for those that were in the room, Joni did a great job keeping people engaged
      • (Joni) conversations about the US Affordable Care Act was particularly interesting
    • CA World - Kantara will be participating on a few panels and the Luminary Series (kind of like TED talks)
    • Japan Cloud Identity Summit - (Colin) fairly well attended event; it was primarily sponsored by Japanese organization; had a strong OIDF and OIX presence; it was fairly ambitious to try and do real-time translations during the sessions; it was a well-rounded conference, the Japanese audience was an eclectic mix of private and public sector organizations; particularly the Hackathon was interesting; it was also very much technology leading policy rather than the other way around, and there seemed to be a general acceptance of that.  There was a certain amount of complimentary support in comments from OIX, OIDF, and others, but Verizon seemed to avoid mentioning their Kantara certification

Action Item Review


Assigned To




20120530-04Patrick Curry, Colin Wallis, Joni Brennan, Ken DaggIn ProgressCome up with first pass of industry classification and Venn diagramAdded: Sal D'Agostino, Andrew Hughes, Rainer Hoerbe
20121107-01Pete Palmer, Heather FlanaganOpenWork with WG chairs for quarterly reports update.All overdue WG and DG chairs notified
20121219-04Heather FlanaganIn ProgressCreate a zip file of all current, normative documents in the IAFWill complete after Ballot has concluded

Discussion of Action Items

Quarterly Reports

See Quarterly Reports

WG Chairs are still largely behind on this

LC Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary nominations - update

  • No updates on this; bring it back to a future call

Review of Call Schedule

  • Call time is still acceptable, though sometimes the 1.5 hour length is challenging
  • we were doing weekly meetings (Strategy and Admin) but heard some feedback that weekly is too much; one suggestion was rather than a Strategy call, we recapture that as Marketing and Opportunities (something that can create actionable items, which is something we need right now); Kantara needs to move ahead urgently on marketing and membership; either make this a separate call or ensure it's on every Admin agenda

Update on All-Member Ballots

  • At-Large trustees for 2013 are Government of Canada and TERENA
    • There will be another opportunity for any organizational member to become an At-Large member at the end of the year
  • the Kantara IAF have carried through their all-member ballot and we are still working on our press release to announce this; have a responsibility to inform our CSPs first


By-Laws discussion

Subscriber vs Member

  • Have had extensive discussion on this, and there are clear benefits to subscribers that we did not have before
  • The BoT have already amended the By-Laws, so it is is really the Operating Procedures that need to be aligned with this; the LC needs to move towards an all-member ballot to change the OP
  • The action is to start an e-vote for the LC to affirm an all-member ballot to ratify a changed OP

Subcommittees and Liaisons

  • The By-Law change has been made to allow for Liaisons and Subcommittees, so no action for the LC

WG Updates


  • putting together an article regarding identity and different health care initiatives for the IEEE magazine; federation does not work in fee-for-service because it dis-incents cooperation - changing that with the Affordable Health Care Act instead encourages cooperation and federated identity models
  • next meeting is tomorrow
  • many WG members attended HIMSS


  • UMA group has a working protocol, and so there is a little more to do but some of our activities have moved more towards educational and overt marketing; started to get demos from people who have implemented UMA for different use cases; UMA also engaging more directly with OAuth and OpenID to make sure UMA is a good player in the ecosystem
  • this week having a call with the Cloud Identity group
  • so, more work than time for case studies, working with people who have NSTIC grants and more


  • Heather took the notes and facilitated the call; a great deal of activity, right now largely around the ecosystem diagram that Ken Klingenstein is working on
  • will probably start getting that gelling in to something concrete in the next meeting; the next phase will start moving in to discussion around the question of the brokering of the attributes and what it means in the context of the ecosystem
  • is there any cross-polination between AIM and the OIX attribute group? probably but not sure
    • Myisha is leading the "how to certify an attribute exchange" and Kim Little might also be a good connection; Dave Cox might also be a good person to have on AIM to help cross-polinate


  • going through elections now, and the ballots are out
  • the group is still fairly quiet, but are expecting the Géant stuff coming in; anticipating a ramp up over the next month or so
    • Particularly with Rainer representing the Austrian states, the requirements are being directly given to Géant for the SAML test suite


  • had a couple of false start calls this year in trying to run the call and have a webex at the same time; do need webex because we want to do a number of presentations around common interest items across several working groups (topics including: consent, pseudonymity and associated principles, etc.); there is a cross-over of interest between eGov requirements on consent and binding and what's going on within the IAWG and P3WG; it is particularly challenging to coordinate across so many groups, but it needs to be done
  • also in progress of handling elections

BoT Liason Report

  • Had a meeting at RSA, and had some participation from IEEE this time
  • Elections happened, and Allan Foster was elected as President of the Board
  • There was a discussion re: the number of trustees versus the number of seats we have, though no decisions were made
  • It was decided to sign the OpenStand agreement, the budget was passed, and 2013 planning was roadmapped
  • There was a discussion that the Kantara WG need to be more cognizant of the IPR associated with the work coming out of the WG; many WG leaders have been elected and they may not have a clear understanding of the reports and other things required at a WG level
  • Discussion of membership and cash management
  • Discussion about different ways of raising the visibility of Kantara and getting out in to the public eye; focusing on press releases; part of that discussion was around the website and how we present ourselves - the website is too challenging to navigate
  • For the marketing piece, there is  a specific proposal put to the European Identity Conference and to the Cloud Security Summit to have Kantara visibility there; also following up with IEEE to see how they can help broaden the message of this particular IEEE program; IEEE was very positive about how they might be able to help increase Kantara visibility
    • we have one article due at the end of this week re: the HIAWG to be part of the IEEE e-magazine on the importance of standards, particularly in Health


New Action Items


Assigned To





Next meeting


Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 21:00 UTC (time chart)

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