2019-08-13 Meeting notes

2019-08-13 Meeting notes



  • Noreen Whysel
  • Sal D’Agostino 

  • Jim Kragh 

  • Tom Jones

  • Mary Hodder

  • Bev Corwin

  • Jeff Brennan


  • APA App Evaluation Task Force
  • Health care requirements sandbox

Discussion items


APA App Evaluation Task ForceNoreen WhyselNoreen notes that they add "Evidence" to the four areas our model looks at (privacy, security, interoperability and usability). You can look at evidence as an aspect of trust.

Sand BoxTom Jones

Test sand box to meet the health care requirements; https://wiki.idesg.org/wiki/index.php/Phone_as_Health_Care_Credential#Solution,  

Lack of Technologists in Cyber policy communityJim Kragh

LAS VEGAS today: Technologists are the missing voice in cyber policy debates on issues ranging from encryption to supply-chain security, says Bruce Schneier of Harvard Law’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, who made several presentations here calling for development of a robust “public- interest technologist” community to help shape laws and rules for this technology century.

As an example, he pointed to a “25-year debate on ‘going dark,’” or whether government should be able to access encrypted communications, and said, “It’s a scare term. We’ll never get the policy right if the policy makers get the technology wrong.”

“Here’s the issue,” Schneier said, “none of the policy makers have the technology chops to discuss it.” The separate worlds of technology and policy “was okay in 1959,” but now “technology makes de facto policy – and the policy is always catching up.”

“What I’m calling for is public-interest technologists” who can help policy makers reach informed decisions at the beginning and throughout the policy-making process, he said.


Mary Hodder

Sal D'Agostino

Other News:

Mozilla webinar on Privacy Framework 8/13 6PM PT/9PM ET:


Zooms link for livestream: https://uber.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JsEUTmQLQDKLS2wnaMXM1Q 

Online attendees will also be able to submit questions. The session will be recorded.

Mary plans to submit this question: “Is this really a privacy framework or is it a way for companies to mitigate privacy risks?” Silicon Valley is most interested in PR. Where is user focus? The rest of the country is concerned about privacy.

Sal working with an Irish Phd on a whitepaper for app that uses open algorithms that allows sharing data and ID with researchers and includes contracts (like google drive plus rules and controls, like sharepoint), could bring on pilot companies. Could bring in ID Machines and Open Consent and bounce ideas off of IDEF and serve as concierge for pilot orgs from their projects.

Action items
