Meeting Minutes 04 September 2019
Meeting Minutes 04 September 2019
Kantara FI-WG Teleconference
Pending approval
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, September 4, 2019
- Time: 16:30 EDT
- Keith Wessel (co-chair) (v)
- Nick Roy (v)
- Scott Cantor (v)
- Judith Bush (v)
- Eric Goodman
- Roll call (QV group participation agreement)
- Agenda bash
- Approval of 8/21 meeting minutes: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/fwbnBg
- SAML2int formatting edits
- Disposition column on the feedback page: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/6IDJBg
- Review of outstanding issues in Github
- Any further work needed on feedback received so far
- Roll call (QV group participation agreement)
- Quorum achieved
- Agenda bash
- 130 is done, closed
- 134 AI: Scott - entity or role level - indentation - [DONE]
- 135: Scope at entity or role level - text explicitly says it’s allowed to be at either level. Could do indentation. Vlad was reading into the indentation. AI: Scott will look into this. - [DONE]
- Homework to all from last time to review this content and see if we can agree that it’s complete
- Additionally, what to do with Rainer’s feedback
- AIs for Walter, Alan and Eric
- Judith moved to accept
- Keith seconds
- Minutes approved
- Approval of 8/21 meeting minutes: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/fwbnBg
- SAML2int formatting edits
- Walter completed all on last week’s call except for one where there was a question to the list. 2.1 flattening not done AI: All/Walter
- Eric’s not done. AI: Eric [DONE]
- Alan’s stuff - status update? [DONE]
- Disposition column on the feedback page: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/6IDJBg
- Any concerns about the disposition column?
- No concerns
- Discovery issue
- SP-23 is the only statement about discovery in the doc, not even a MUST.
- We’re going to make things worse by adding more language.
- This has always been the problem area of the doc. Maybe we should remove SP-23.
- Striking SP-23 not a good idea.
- To the extent you can define it, you want an inline discovery, rather than out-of-band via a URL.Example of a way to split the implementations, which is why Scott is getting uncomfortable having this in the doc. It’s not a deployment concern, it’s implementation.
- AI: Scott try to come up with something. Scott will send something to the list. Judith offers to help bounce ideas around.
- Review of outstanding issues in Github
- 120: AI: Eric dig up disposal of 120 from email, InCommon final report, send to list for review - DONE(?) modulo language re SHA-1 vs. SHA-2
- 25: Not sure this is still relevant. Close. [DONE]
Next Meeting
- Date: Weds, Sep 18, 2019
- Time: 16:30 EDT
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