Meeting Minutes 18 September 2019
Meeting Minutes 18 September 2019
Kantara FI-WG Teleconference
Approved on 10/16/2019 call
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2019
- Time: 16:30 EDT
- Keith Wessel (co-chair) (v)
- Alan Buxey (v)
- Scott Cantor (v)
- Judith Bush (v)
- Eric Goodman
- Roll call (QV group participation agreement)
- Agenda bash
- Approval of 9/4 meeting minutes: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/rgbnBg
- SAML2int formatting edits
- Reiner’s comment on the feedback page: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/6IDJBg
- Review of outstanding issues in Github
- Implementation profile discrepancy about key encryption
- Any further work needed on feedback received
- Roll call “As of 21st August 2019, quorum is 4 of 7.”
- Agenda bash: none
- Minutes: Judith moves to approve the minutes; Keith seconds. Minutes are approved.
- Action items for Eric and Alan last time: Eric’s AI is done (capitalization & normalization of browser profiles; consideration regarding an appendix but there may be language around SHA1 & SHA 2 - -Scott’s Action Item. Alan also had headings for contributors with color issues, resolved.
- Reiner’s comment on the feedback page: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/6IDJBg -- Scott (and Judith) have not made progress
- Eric confirms GitHub has no open issues, pull requests.
- Discrepancy between deployment & implementation profile for SHA-1 & SHA-2 appears to be an errata on implementation profile. Colin sent an attachment describing the loose process for errata:
- Simple flowchart
- The Should in the document is a must in the XML & SAML Conformance document; we tried to make this document standalone to avoid confusion about some of the SAML conformance complexity.
- SHA-1 was a SHOULD in the implementation profile and we would recommend it to be a MUST -- it is a MUST in XML encryption and SAML docs <<< Check this in the minutes review
- AI: Keith will work with Colin to get this formally noted with the Kantara staff
- Any further work needed on feedback received?
- Depending on how disruptive the Discovery changes are - hopefully less contentious -- thus we think this will be it.
- Once we think we have consensus what is our next step? AI Keith will note in email to Colin we are almost ready for next steps: what are those?
Next Meeting
- Date: Weds, Oct 02, 2019
- Time: 16:30 EDT
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