Meeting Minutes 18 September 2019

Meeting Minutes 18 September 2019

Kantara FI-WG Teleconference

Approved on 10/16/2019 call

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2019
  • Time: 16:30 EDT


  • Keith Wessel (co-chair) (v)
  • Alan Buxey (v)
  • Scott Cantor (v)
  • Judith Bush (v)
  • Eric Goodman


  1. Roll call (QV group participation agreement
  2. Agenda bash
  3. Approval of 9/4 meeting minutes: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/rgbnBg
  4. SAML2int formatting edits
  5. Reiner’s comment on the feedback page: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/6IDJBg
  6. Review of outstanding issues in Github
  7. Implementation profile discrepancy about key encryption
  8. Any further work needed on feedback received


  1. Roll call  “As of 21st August 2019, quorum is 4 of 7.”
  2. Agenda bash: none
  3. Minutes: Judith moves to approve the minutes; Keith seconds. Minutes are approved.
  4. Action items for Eric and Alan last time: Eric’s AI is done (capitalization & normalization of browser profiles; consideration regarding an appendix but there may be language around SHA1 & SHA 2 - -Scott’s Action Item. Alan also had headings for contributors with color issues, resolved.
  5. Reiner’s comment on the feedback page: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/6IDJBg -- Scott (and Judith) have not made progress
  6. Eric confirms GitHub has no open issues, pull requests.
  7. Discrepancy between deployment & implementation profile for SHA-1 & SHA-2 appears to be an errata on implementation profile. Colin sent an attachment describing the loose process for errata:
    1. Simple flowchart
    2. The Should in the document is a must in the XML & SAML Conformance document; we tried to make this document standalone to avoid confusion about some of the SAML conformance complexity. 
    3. SHA-1 was a SHOULD in the implementation profile and we would recommend it to be  a MUST -- it is a MUST in XML encryption and SAML docs <<< Check this in the minutes review
    4. AI: Keith will work with Colin to get this formally noted with the Kantara staff
  8. Any further work needed on feedback received? 
    1. Depending on how disruptive the Discovery changes are - hopefully less contentious -- thus we think this will be it.
  9. Once we think we have consensus what is our next step? AI Keith will note in email to Colin we are almost ready for next steps: what are those?

Next Meeting

  • Date: Weds, Oct 02, 2019
  • Time: 16:30 EDT
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