Copy of Meeting Minutes 4 December 2019
Copy of Meeting Minutes 4 December 2019
Kantara FI-WG Teleconference
Pending approval
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2019
- Time: 16:30 EDT
- Keith Wessel (co-chair) (v)
- Nick Roy (v)
- Alan Buxey (v)
- Andy Morgan (v)
- Judith Bush (v)
- Scott Cantor (v)
- Walter Hoehn (co-chair) (v)
- Roll call (QV group participation agreement)
- Agenda bash
- Approval of 10/16 meeting minutes
- Discussion of handling revision to implementation profile
- Update from Bella and Colin
- Roll call (QV group participation agreement)
- Quorum achieved
- Agenda bash
- Probably need to vote within the group on a committee draft that goes to the board for approval.
- In the SAML 2.0 implementation profile, IIP-ALG06 states:
The following DigestMethod algorithms SHOULD be supported for both of the above key transport algorithms for backward compatibility.
This requirement should be corrected to read:
The following DigestMethod algorithms MUST be supported for both of the above key transport algorithms for backward compatibility.
*http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1 - Options include publish errata, or bump version number to 1.1 or 2.0
- Colin believes that a version number bump with this edit will not require a non-member re-ballot according to the operating procedures
- Should we add links to errata wiki to both documents while we are at it? (Where is the errata wiki link?)
- Minutes approved
- Approval of 10/16 meeting minutes
- Discussion of handling revision to implementation profile
- AI: Scott will update the document and send a local diff to the list. We are keeping SHA2, making SHA1 support a MUST.
- AI: Keith run the diff past Colin to make sure it’s OK without a reballot.
- Definitely not 2.0.
- Group recommends 1.1.
- Don’t need a re-review if the change does not break implementations, per Kantara Operating Procedures v3.0
- Technically, you can never change a SHOULD to a MUST in a non-breaking change
- Practically, very few implement SHA2 at this level, and almost everyone implements SHA1. So practically, this is a non-breaking change. No one has built a SAML stack based on this yet.
- Make it clear to Colin what we’re doing, make sure he’s sound with it.
- AI: Keith check with Colin on if there is any type of set practice with regard to inclusion of errata link in a document.
- Update from Bella and Colin
- AI: Nick post minutes, update previous minutes to approved.
Next Meeting
- Date: TBD
- Time: 16:30 EDT
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