Meeting Minutes 16 October 2019
Meeting Minutes 16 October 2019
Kantara FI-WG Teleconference
Approved on December 4 2019 call
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2019
- Time: 16:30 EDT
- Keith Wessel (co-chair) (v)
- Alan Buxey (v)
- Scott Cantor (v)
- Walter Hoehn (v)
- Nick Roy (v)
- Eric Goodman
- Roll call (QV group participation agreement)
- Agenda bash
- Approval of 9/18 meeting minutes
- Review of Scott’s edits to SDP-SP23 sent to the list on 10/15
- Possible confusion around wording of SDP-G02 and Nick’s proposed change
- Quorum achieved
- Agenda looks good
- Approval of 9/18 meeting minutes
- Alan motioned
- Walter seconds
- Minutes approved
- Review of Scott’s edits to SDP-SP23 sent to the list on 10/15
- Removing the reference was appropriate
- Shorter - that seemed good
- Not sure about references to other work so did not add any
- Might want to consider changing the word ‘some’ to ‘most’ under discovery description.
- Could put ‘in many cases’ and not try to quantify it
- Less aspirational than a way of telling people that they’re doing it wrong.
- Anyone unhappy with what’s been presented?
- Scott would maybe rethink the wording in the normative requirement: We understand that it’s self-evident.
- Implementation profile calls out idpdisco as a MUST
- Seems like not a drop-able item, and wording seems good.
- Wording complements the implementation profile.
- No misgivings - we have rough consensus.
- AI: Scott commit - DONE
- Possible confusion around wording of SDP-G02 and Nick’s proposed change
- REFEDS assurance list discussion - Pål and Eskil
- Put to rest with the minor wording tweak?
- ...deployments MUST limit the size of each individual XML element's and attribute's text value they produce to 256 characters
- References content rather than making it clear you’re talking about string content. “XML attribute content”
- We have a recommendation
- Hard to be confused by the existing wording
- Discussion of which elements/attributes this applies to
- IDP-19 caused similar confusion
- This will be clearer if we are allowed to have FAQs. OASIS didn’t used to allow that.
- To define versus to not define via xs:String. Injects a level of understand of XML into the doc that is probably best avoided in this case. Could make it more confusing/lead to more pedantic complaints.
- AI: Scott going to come up with a suggestion offline.
- We aren’t going to be able to make it completely bullet-proof.
- Next call: November 6, 2019. Waiting to hear back from Colin on process.
- SP22 language needs to be moved up - italicized text should have been moved up under SP21.
- Seems right
- Scott will do at same time as other edits.
- eduGAIN slack channel comment:
- Pål - SDP-SP39: SP requirement SDP-MD10:Common requirements - why SP logos a MUST? Not an error on our part. There for *reasons*.
Next Meeting
- Date: Weds, Nov 06, 2019
- Time: 16:30 EDT
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