Meeting Minutes 16 October 2019

Meeting Minutes 16 October 2019

Kantara FI-WG Teleconference

Approved on December 4 2019 call

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2019
  • Time: 16:30 EDT


  • Keith Wessel (co-chair) (v)
  • Alan Buxey (v)
  • Scott Cantor (v)
  • Walter Hoehn (v)
  • Nick Roy (v)
  • Eric Goodman


  1. Roll call (QV group participation agreement
  2. Agenda bash
  3. Approval of 9/18 meeting minutes
  4. Review of Scott’s edits to SDP-SP23 sent to the list on 10/15
  5. Possible confusion around wording of SDP-G02 and Nick’s proposed change


  1. Quorum achieved
  2. Agenda looks good
  3. Approval of 9/18 meeting minutes
    1. Alan motioned
    2. Walter seconds
    3. Minutes approved
  4. Review of Scott’s edits to SDP-SP23 sent to the list on 10/15
    1. Removing the reference was appropriate
    2. Shorter - that seemed good
    3. Not sure about references to other work so did not add any
    4. Might  want to consider changing the word ‘some’ to ‘most’ under discovery description.
    5. Could put ‘in many cases’ and not try to quantify it
    6. Less aspirational than a way of telling people that they’re doing it wrong.
    7. Anyone unhappy with what’s been presented?
    8. Scott would maybe rethink the wording in the normative requirement: We understand that it’s self-evident.
    9. Implementation profile calls out idpdisco as a MUST
    10. Seems like not a drop-able item, and wording seems good.
    11. Wording complements the implementation profile.
    12. No misgivings - we have rough consensus.
    13. AI: Scott commit - DONE
  5. Possible confusion around wording of SDP-G02 and Nick’s proposed change
    1. REFEDS assurance list discussion - Pål and Eskil
    2. Put to rest with the minor wording tweak?
      1. ...deployments MUST limit the size of each individual XML element's and attribute's text value they produce to 256 characters
    3. References content rather than making it clear you’re talking about string content. “XML attribute content”
    4. We have a recommendation
    5. Hard to be confused by the existing wording
    6. Discussion of which elements/attributes this applies to
    7. IDP-19 caused similar confusion
    8. This will be clearer if we are allowed to have FAQs. OASIS didn’t used to allow that.
    9. To define versus to not define via xs:String. Injects a level of understand of XML into the doc that is probably best avoided in this case. Could make it more confusing/lead to more pedantic complaints.
    10. AI: Scott going to come up with a suggestion offline.
    11. We aren’t going to be able to make it completely bullet-proof.
  6. Next call: November 6, 2019. Waiting to hear back from Colin on process.
  7. SP22 language needs to be moved up - italicized text should have been moved up under SP21.
    1. Seems right
    2. Scott will do at same time as other edits.
  8. eduGAIN slack channel comment:
    1. Pål - SDP-SP39: SP requirement SDP-MD10:Common requirements - why SP logos a MUST? Not an error on our part. There for *reasons*.

Next Meeting

  • Date: Weds, Nov 06, 2019
  • Time: 16:30 EDT
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