FIWG Meeting Notes 2012-08-19 - F2F Vail

FIWG Meeting Notes 2012-08-19 - F2F Vail

Kantara FI WG Teleconference


Date and Time

  • Date: Thursday 19th July, Vail, Colorado.Day, Month Day#, Year#
  • Time: 18:00PDT | 21:00EDT | X UTC | X CEST


  • John Bradley, Ping Identity
  • Rainer Hoerbe, KisMed GMBH
  • Ken Dagg (guest), Fed Canada 
  • Allan Foster, Forgerock
  • Colin Wallis, Internal affairs, NZ Govt


  1. Next steps for eGov SAML conformance/implementation Profile v2.0
  2. Next steps for SAML 2int deployment profile
  3. Update on MDX specification
  4. Other business.

1) Ken (on behalf of Fed Canada) to progress contribution of test cases for CATS v2.0. Action #1: Ken to seek permission to contribute test cases for CATS v2.0 (the Fed CA Deployment profile of eGov SAML conformance profile v2.0). Note that CATS2 profile itself, is published on the eGov site.

2) Action #2: Rainer (on behalf of Austrian Government) to progress funding request/conformation for developing test cases and a test harness for Austria's deployment profile of the eGov SAML conformance profile v2.0. As soon as this is confirmed, Rainer to inform FIWG so that engagement can begin at FedLab on assembling the test cases.   
3) Note that Rainer is also reaching out to DK, FI, SE, NO, NL, CH, IT and UK regarding their SAML and/or STORK SAML profiles to gauge interest in doing a Gap Analysis and integration/convergence where possible.  Rainer will post the links to the profiles as he finds them, on the FIWG website.
4) Once 1) and 2) above are complete, the FIWG will collect together the use cases and approach FedLab to ask them to develop the test harness with the test cases (plus develop cases where there are gaps).
5) John updated the meeting on the Metadata Exchange (MDX) spec which is in early draft with author, Chad LaJ of Internet2.   There had been increasing interest in the spec, with community facilitator Forgerock and vendor Ping Identity, being the most recent to add expressions of support.  John clarified the difference between the REFEDS PEER (low LoA Metadata federation) project and the PEER software project being progressed via JISC UK that Nicole H and Leif J are facilitating. While the IETF meeting in Vancouver may be too close to do further socialisation, the BoF in Atlanta in November may offer the opportunity to socialise a draft spec. Action #3: Given the rising interest, John agreed to ask that the spec gets progressed ASAP.
6) Co Chair RLBob's passing was raised and noted with sadness, reflection and a tribute to his efforts in the FIWG and in many other groups and domains. John will be attending the memorial service in person. Others will be in attendance virtually.  
Next Meeting: To be advised, but will definitely not be before Co-Chair RL Bob's memorial service on Sunday 29th July
  • Date: Day, Month Day#, Year#
  • Time: X PDT | X EDT | X UTC (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: +1-218-862-7200
  • Code:

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