HIA WG Concall 2010-01-21 Minutes

HIA WG Concall 2010-01-21 Minutes

HIA WG Concall 2010-01-21 Minutes

Date and Time

  • Date: Thursday, January 21, 2010
  • Time: 9am PST | 12pm EST | 5pm UTC | 6pm CEST


  • Pete Palmer, Surescrips (voting)
  • John Fraser, MEDNETworld.com (voting)
  • Rick Moore, DME Consulting Services (voting)
  • Bob Pinheiro, Pinheiro Consulting (voting)
  • Barry Hieb, GPII (voting)
  • Daz Greenwood, eCitizen Foundation (non-voting)
  • Mike Kirkwood, Polka (voting)
  • Kyle Meadors, Drummond Group Inc. (voting)
  • Dervla O'Reilly, Kantara Initiative


  • Not applicable


  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. Election of Co-Chairs / Work Group Leadership Discussion
  3. Discussion with eCitizen Foundation about leading our effort to build our Citizen Portal as per our Charter
    1. Will need volunteers to help on IAF, OpenID, Feds, fundraising, etc.
  4. Do we want to respond with comments on “Meaningful Use” proposed regs?
  5. AOB


1. Welcome & Introductions

The group welcomed Mike Kirkwood from Polka as a new participant.

2. Election of Co-Chairs / Work Group Leadership Discussion

The nomination elections are sent by secret ballot by staff to the HIA WG list serve asking for the participants to nominate one or all - Chair/Co-Chair/Vice-Chair.  The nomination is open for one week.  Staff announce the nominations to HIA WGs current leadership and list serve.
Staff then send out a ballot notification to the HIA WG list serve asking participants to vote for one or all - Chair/Co-Chair/Vice-Chair.  The ballot is open for one week.  Staff announce the results to the HIA WG list serve.

The nomination ballot will be sent to the HIA WG list serve Jan. 21, 2010.

3. Discussion with e Citizen Foundation about leading our effort to build our Citizen Portal as per our Charter (2.1)

Daz Greenwood from e Citizen Foundation presented an overview of their service.  They work with Educational institutions, Government organizations, volunteers, etc. to develop technologies to make online dialog possible.  Identity Embassy is one project that allows an individual to control their online identity.  Frank Villavicencio (read Frank's recent blog ), Chair of the Identity Assurance WG efforts on the Identity Assurance Framework (IAF) are a good model and in alignment with our efforts.  Citizens have access to information, a self-asserted identity from low to high assurance levels.

Is the group interested in inviting an interested party for an IAF scenario mimicking as a credential provider?  Can the group provide leads or contacts?  We need volunteers from the assesment community (doing the audit) and identity providers.  There is an interest in having a call to discuss the frameworks, legal aspects, technical implementation. 

Budget for this new project is $15-20,000.  Consider this and brainstorm for next call what we come up with in terms of recruitment for the component and fundraising ideas.  Barry is willing to work with Daz.

ACTION20100121-01: Pete to reach out to Brett McDowell for leads and contacts? 

4. Do we want to respond with comments on "meaningful use" proposed tags?

Review the document describing the Health IT standards Interim Final Rule for Meaningful Use .  The U.S. Government put aside 19 billion to stimulate adoption of health IT, healthcare providers can get $44K rebate per doctor if they implement IT.  Govt. want them to buy the system and actually use it.  They need an identity provider component.  Comments are due March 15, 2010. 

ACTION20100121-02: All review "meaningful use" document this and brainstorm for next call.

5. AOB

1. Agenda for Feb. 4 call.  Review "meaningful use" document and brainstorm.

2. Review what we come up with in terms of recruitment for the component and fundraising ideas for the e Citzen Foundation proposal.

Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, February 4, 2010
  • Time: 9am PST | 12pm EST | 5pm UTC | 6pm CEST (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: Skype: +9900827044630912 - North American Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Code: 4630912

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