HIA WG Concall 2010-07-22 Minutes

HIA WG Concall 2010-07-22 Minutes

HIA WG Concall 2010-07-22 Minutes

Date and Time

  • Date: Thursday, July 22, 2010
  • Time: 10am PST | 1pm EST | 5pm UTC | 7pm CEST (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: Skype: +9900827044630912 - North American Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Code: 4630912


  • John Fraser (voting)
  • Lara Zimberoff (non-voting)
  • Dervla O'Reilly (non-voting)
  • Myisha Frazier-McElveen (voting)
  • Mickey Tevelow (non-voting)
  • Barry Hieb (voting)
  • Dan Combs (voting)
  • Bob Pinheiro (voting)
  • Dazza Greenwood (non-voting)
  • Tim Reiniger (non-voting)
  • Pete Palmer (voting)
  • Siddharth Bajaj (voting)


No apologies.

We had 7 voting members on the call where we did reach reach quorum on this call.


1.       Roll call for quorum – welcome new attendees
2.       Approve minutes from last call
3.       Discussion on coordinating with the Identity Assurance (IAWG) and Privacy and Public Policy (P3WG) Work Groups
4.       Discussion on the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) efforts
5.       Updates on Patient Portal project with eCitizen
          a.      Status of contract
          b.      Status of fundraising
6.       Other business


1. Roll Call and quorum and welcome new attendees

Roll call as above.

Minute taker: Lara Zimberoff.

2. Approve Minutes

Barry Hieb moved, Myisha Frasier McElveen to approve 7/22/10 minutes.  Minutes approved without objection.

3. Discussion on coordinating with the Identity Assurance (IAWG) and Privacy and Public Policy (P3WG) Work Groups

Dervla O'Reilly provided a background on coordination between the two workgroups: "Essentially we’re seeing overlap in concept and strategy between the two groups. Joni suggested Kantara coordinate with the other two in the upcoming months, to get together once per month to ensure we are on track with the various work going on. This was suggested to the chairs of each group and hopefully we can initiate coordination in the next few weeks."

John Fraser: we will work on putting that together (John, Rick and Pete, possibly Barry will assist in coordination)

Q: How do we schedule and coordinate?
A (Dervla): Myself, Joni and Ana can assist with coordination
Pete Palmer: What’s the goal?
John Fraser: Joni and others are seeing commonality so the WG chairs should touch base to discuss current work

4. Discussion on the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) efforts

Two NSTIC documents currently available – 1. Strategy Document (available to public) 2. Implementation Plan

John Fraser requested a status updated on official submission of comments from WG to NSTIC

Per Dervla, there was a call a few days ago that we were on, Joni and Brett McDowell submitted comments

Dan: Are you referring to public comment or selective comment for implementation plan? There are two different things going on – two rounds of comments on national strategy before it went fully public and now they are in the process of at least one round of selective comments. We asked for and received a two-day extension to allow Kantara to submit comments by Friday.

Barry: Comments are on the first of the two documents?

Dan: Comments are on the implementation plan. The comment submission on the strategy document closed, I believe, earlier this week.

Barry: Is there going to be a public comment period on the implementation plan?

Dan: Not sure – if they follow the course of how they did the strategy document, then probably. But I don’t have confirmation one way or the other.

Dazza: eCitizen has established a consortium called NSTIC US, and we’re planning to hold an in-person public briefing on the NSTIC process where people from the administration can ask questions. We don’t have a date or venue yet, but probably will be end of August or early September. I recommend Kantara’s involvement and to potentially present to add to the public education. What Kantara has to say would certainly be valuable.

Dan: Those are good ideas. eCitizen is one of the commenting organizations, so we’ve provided some comments in regards to the patient portal project. Our comments encourage federal agencies to adopt the national strategy and the patient portal project is under serious consideration for support under the NSTIC implementation plan.

John: What are the next steps? Dan, can you elaborate on how that aligns with what we’re doing?

Dan: What we have been trying to do and what the outcome should be is that the patient portal project aligns with the national strategy. It’s been somewhat difficult because up until a short time ago, there was no strategy to align to. Now it’s becoming more evident that there isn’t yet a whole lot of detail, but in major ways, the patient portal project aligns with the strategy. Hopefully everything will come together so that there will be a specific set of discussions so we can get support or some kind of blessing, for example the ONC offering its support and allowing their name to be used or to provide funding to us.

Dazza: We should have a follow up call to brainstorm on a presentation about our pilot.

John: Has the public briefing been scheduled?

Dazza: Not yet, we’re looking at end of August/early September

John: This is all great news for our project and it’s nice to get administration behind this. I’d like to thank Dazza, Dan and Rich Furr for their assistance with this.

Barry: Who is going to implement? Feds? Private Industry? What’s the plan?

Dan: In general, the federal government has dedicated themselves to making it a public-private project and there are conversations happening about what that actually means. The devil is in the details as to what that actually means.

Pete: The whole idea is that other parts of the economy would act as relying parties. Clearly some organizations in healthcare would be relying parties.

Q: What healthcare IT or other organizations in the healthcare communities should be willing to accept credentials? Who should represent the healthcare community?
A (Dan): Both topics are major points of discussions. In the strategy, you have both concepts of stimulating the private market and relying party adoption. That may well include a variety of trust frameworks attempting to meet industry specific needs. You can imagine healthcare saying “we need particular requirements and our own trust framework.” There also may be government issuers of broad credentials for various relying parties.

Barry: Why the implementation plan not public – is this because it’s too early?

Bob: They’re looking for input from a few select organizations. It will probably be made public and then there will be a comment period.

Dan: The national strategy actually started as a series of chapter headings. Early on, they got a significant amount of outside input, went through a few iterations, then put it out for public comment. It seems they are following the same path that the strategy followed – creating a few iterations, then opening up the document to the public. A number of groups have been asked to provide early input to get to a draft they can release for public comment.

Bob: I believe HIEs would be a relying party. Who are going to be the issuers?

Dan: There will be many medical organizations that will have end points, physical locations where patients come in, and so some organizations will want to be involved in the enrollment or issuance process. There are probably many healthcare providers or participants that are creating strategies to be included into this ecosystem. There will be a lot of interesting things coming as this goes forward.

Bob: The mechanism by which the HIEs take demographic information and match it up to patient records would require some identification before a card is issued to somebody. Should there be a specific component of identity proofing for accessing patient records? That’s another aspect of this to consider.

John: What are the next steps we should take with NSTIC?

Barry: I think we should state that it would be our intent that Kantara be included in any public briefing.

Pete: We should send a letter of support, and request for participation in public briefings and announcements. The letter should state that we support the effort, we volunteer to help with implementation planning and execution, our group is engaged in project activity to support ePrescribe and eCitizen project

Group agrees this is a good idea

John: Is there any dissent in sending this letter?

Letter approved by unanimous consent

John will distribute verbiage for letter to the group – Pete will finalize a draft for submission by end of business Monday. If people have comments on what should be in letter, keep them short and send them directly to Pete Palmer.

5. Update on eCitizen project

Dazza: We have completed the next version of the contract that clarifies a couple of points and includes the information we discussed on the last call. Assuming that the language correctly reflects our understanding, the contract will be finalized and we’ll be ready to start work on the project soon. eCitizen and Kantara needs to huddle up about fundraising and getting started.

Dan: We’re getting the final details of the contract done and are close to getting the agreement signed.

Dervla: I am of the impression that Joni is making some revisions and we would like to move forward as soon as possible

John: Is the agreement done?

Dazza: That’s my impression. We need to hear back from Joni after reading and digesting the agreement. As far as I can tell, we’re on track.

John: Overall that sounds very positive. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help. I would request that you turn around any final changes quickly so we can get the agreements signed and see if we can get funding to get started. Any other business or comments on the eCitizen project?

Dazza: In regard to aligning with NSTIC, maybe we could think about doing a presentation about the goals and objectives of the patient portal project? A two or three minute video talking about what we’re doing to put on our website to promote our efforts?

John: Is this something that would be done once the agreement is signed?

Dazza: Yes, I think we will sign the agreement soon, so we should be able to get something out there in the next few weeks.

John: Let’s try to get that going in parallel with getting the contract signed. Dervla, are they any issues in regards to promoting the Kantara efforts in a video?

Dervla: I don’t see any issues.

Dan: Let’s produce something the group can take a look at.

Dazza: Yes, we will write something up and send it along for the group's review.

John: I’ll leave it to Dazza and Dan to get started.

6. Other business

John Fraser requested final comments then concluded the call - no other business.

Next Meeting

  • Date:  Thursday, August 5, 2010
  • Time: 10am PST | 1pm EST | 5pm UTC | 7pm CEST (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: Skype: +9900827044630912 - North American Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Code: 4630912