HIA WG Concall 2010-05-27 Minutes

HIA WG Concall 2010-05-27 Minutes

HIA WG Concall 2010-05-27 Minutes

Date and Time

  • Date: Thursday, May 27, 2010
  • Time: 10am PST | 1pm EST | 5pm UTC | 7pm CEST (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: Skype: +9900827044630912 - North American Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Code: 4630912


  • Dervla O'Reilly, Kantara Initiative (non-voting)
  • Daniel Bennett, eCitenship Foundation (voting)
  • Barry Hieb, Global Patient Identifiers (voting)
  • Bob Pinheiro, Pinheiro Consulting (voting)
  • Dan Combs (voting)
  • John Fraser, MEDNET (voting)
  • Pete Palmer, Surescripts (voting)
  • Tim Reiniger, IA Corp (non-voting)
  • Rick Moore, eHealth Ohio (voting) 
  • Mickey Tevelow, N8 Security (non-voting)



We had 7 voting members on the call, we did reach quorum on this call.


1.       Roll call for quorum & approval of previous meeting minutes approval.

2.       Welcome any new attendees

3.       Minute taker

4        Discussion of our first deliverable: Patient Portal project with eCitizen
     a.       Steering Group update on fundraising
     b.      Update from eCitizen
     c.       Project expectations:
                                                              i.      Project management
                                                             ii.      Technologies
     d.      Next steps
5.       Discussion of our second deliverable: “Develop a reference implementation for healthcare workers access to critical health information using open source solutions.”
6.       Other business


1. Roll Call & Approval of Previous meeting minutes

Roll call as above.  Minutes from previous 3 meetings were approved by John Fraser and seconded by Pete Palmer.

2. Welcome

Welcome all.

3.Minute taker

Barry Hieb

10 total participants on the call (see above).

4.Discussion of our first deliverables

   a. Fundraising - Steering group - Rick Moore, Pete Palmer, John Fraser, Barry Hieb, e-Citizen participants. Dazza Greenwood attended IIWX in Mountain View and met with Nat Sakimura of NRI.  NRI have agreed to pledge $20,000 for the initial design and work, NRI are interested regarding the use of OpenID, they appear to do much work with the Japanese Government.  A draft project plan is required for NRI and approved by the HIA WG funding committee.   A Kantara/e-Citizen agreement is under development and should be available shortly. Funding arrangements are still being worked out until the Funding Process has been finalized.

   b. Update from eCitizen

   c.       Project expectations:
                                                              i.      Project management:

The proposal is that the Steering Committe (3 co-chairs, Barry Hieb, Kantara representatives, eCitizen Foundation staff) to manage the day-to-day activities and report back to the HIA WG participants via the list serve and on bi-weekly calls.  This would hopefully facilitate rapid response to issues and efficient management.  John Fraser moved, Rick Moore seconded the motion.

A project plan is being developed and will be delivered to the funding organization.

Note: A significant question was discussed about the proper IP agreement between Kantara and e-Citizen.  Dazza Greenwood's signature is specifically an issue.

Dervla will need to oversee the evaluation of the contract with Kantara’s legal resources.

                                                             ii.      Technologies:

Kantara IAF - Be as compatible as possible with NHIN and NHIN direct, SMTP and S/MIME, VUHID identifiers.
Information cards may be an option, Open ID plus strong authentication to achieve assurance level 3
There will be a requirements-gathering phase for the project to determine specific requirements.
Each contributor should be developing your resource information to input into the process.
Business process modeling from the use case will also be modeled, also the legal requirements, and then the technology implementation.
Rick M. – Do we want to discuss PHRs and EMRs?  What about CCR/CCD?  These are key words that may attract funding people.  Is there a record locator service?  What about a master patient index?
Daniel – This should be part of the requirements gathering process.  Meaningful use requirements need to be specifically covered.
Dan – As requirements move toward Phase 2 the presentation and funding documents that support this will need to contain these ideas.
John – The project proposal should not pick specific technologies up front to keep the project as open as possible.
Rick – The project will be viewed by people from a variety of perspectives.  We need to keep this at a high level to include as much interest as possible.
John – We need the project plan and the agreement between e-Citizen and Kantara as soon as possible.  We will review this with our committed funder.  The steering group will shepherd this.

     d.      Next steps

Rick – We should continue to pursue other funding sources.
Daniel – Agrees that additional funding will be needed just to continue the project.  Drafts will hopefully be available to the steering group early next week.

5. Discussion of second deliverable


6.Other business

VUHID demo on the next call June 10.

Next Meeting

  • Date:  Thursday, June 10, 2010
  • Time: 10am PST | 1pm EST | 5pm UTC | 7pm CEST (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: Skype: +9900827044630912 - North American Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Code: 4630912