HIA WG Concall 2010-10-28 Minutes Final

HIA WG Concall 2010-10-28 Minutes Final

HIA WG Concall 2010-10-28 Minutes

Date and Time

  • Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010
  • Time: 10am PST | 1pm EST | 5pm UTC | 7pm CEST (Time Chart)


  • Dervla O'Reilly begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting (non-voting)
  • Joni Brennan (non-voting)
  • Barry Hieb (voting)
  • Dan Combs (voting)
  • Laurie Tull (voting)
  • Art Moldavia (non-voting)
  • Bob Pinheiro (voting)
  • Peter Palmer (voting)
  • Dazza Greenwood (non-voting)
  • Rick Moore (voting)
  • Siddharth Bajaj (non-voting)
  • Bill Braithwaite (observer)


Apologies - John Fraser begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Lara Zimberoff begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting

We had 6 voting members on the call where we did reach quorum.

1. Roll call

As above

2. Approve minutes

September 12th Minutes Approved.  Pete motioned, Rich Furr second.

3. Patient ID Pilot update

Dan introduced the topic, turned it over to Dazza.  eCitizen and Kanatara need to amend the contract, but Matt isn’t available.  Wants to extend the deadline to the end of November, from existing date of end of October.  Barry Hieb expressed frustration with the slow pace of the fundraising.  Dan Combs gave the details as to why this going at this pace, and acknowledged that it needs to move faster.  Dazza chimed in saying that some of the delay is due to organizations having to get matching funds internally, and we can’t control that aspect of the process.

Bob P. asked about openeId’s relevance to this project.

Rick Moore asked about the supplemental budget request to Kantara Board of Trustees.  Supplemental budget request. Joni gave the response. 

4. Kantara-OpenID Foundation of Japan (OIDF-J) agreement

Dazza said there isn’t an update at this time.  Joni was following up on contract wording.

5. ONC Security and Privacy Tiger Team Response

Tiger team response.  Pete gave background, bill Braithwaite chimed, Dan combs, Rich, Barry, Bob P., and so on.  Pete brought up the IFR.  Barry brought to a close.  We have consensus that the Trust Level has to be at the same level for organization as for individuals.