HIA WG Concall 2010-05-12 Minutes
HIA WG Concall 2010-05-12 Minutes
Date and Time
- Date: Thursday, May 12, 2010
- Time: 10am PST | 1pm EST | 5pm UTC | 7pm CEST (Time Chart)
- Dial-In: Skype: +9900827044630912 - North American Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
- Code: 4630912
- Mike Kirkwood, Polka (voting)
- Pete Palmer, Surescrips (voting)
- Kyle Meadors, Drummond Group Inc. (voting)
- John Fraser, MEDNET (voting)
- Rick Moore, eHealth Ohio (voting)
- Barry Hieb, Global Patient Identifiers (voting)
- Dan Combs (voting)
- Mickey Tevelow, N8 Security (non-voting)
- Dazza Greenwood, eCitizen Foundation (non-voting)
- Tim Reiniger, IA Corp VA (non-voting)
- Bob Pinheiro, Pinheiro Consulting (voting)
- Brett McDowell, PayPal (voting)
- Dervla O'Reilly, Kantara Initiative (non-voting)
- Joni Brennan, Kantara Initiative (non-voting)
- Myisha Frazier-McElveen (voting)
We had 9 voting members on the call, we did reach quorum on this call.
1. Welcome to new members
2. Minute taker
3. Short overview of the Charter and our two projects
4. In-depth discussion of the Patient Portal Project
a. Overview of the eCitizen proposal
b. See: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/download/attachments/37749863/eCitizen_Kantara_healthidpilot+v+4.doc
c. NHIN Direct introduction – Pete Palmer, SureScripts
d. White House interest in project – Dan Combs / eCitizen
e. Fundraising planning – all
f. Next steps
5. Other business
1. Welcome
John introduced the group and chairs.
2. Minute Taker
Mike Kirkwood
3. Short overview of the charter and our two projects
We had 9 voting members on the call, we did reach quorum on this call.
4. In depth discussion of the Patient Portal Project
It was reported that there has been good progress on project plan and fundraising planning by Dazza Greenwood.
Project description (update by Dan Combs)
- Identity management overview
- ARRA Act
- Combining best practices
- Focuses on person facing use case
Project plan
- Update scenario briefly resolved to stay focused on patient identity needs and how they meet meaningful use.
- Small changes incorporated in document
- Healthcare health trust hub information
- Looking at Mitre implementation to see if it can be open sourced and used
Government status
- Dan Combs with numerous members in the White House about how this could connect. Dan will share discussions with Eli with team.
5. NHIN Direct - Pete Palmer Observations
It’s not technology, yet. It’s a group to bootstrap adoption. It’s trying to bootstrap messaging. Was in-person and face-to-face.
Get clinical data exchange moving
Using SMTP, SMIME, REST as web services as base services to get messages flowing in simplest way possible.
Question: Anyone else involved? John Fraser and his company are focused. Mike Kirkwood reported the involvement in use case formation.
Pilot grant applications may start as soon as July.
Question: What is the NHIN Direct Identity Framework? Still working on this information. Some discussion on SMTP, SMIME and using DNS for Certificate pointers. This is still a question. RFC Root DNS Servers are now PKI enabled to require authorization. DNS requests to the root servers can now be enabled to be secure (signed) on the Internet.
6. NHIN Direct - Pete Palmer Observations
NHIN Connect and NHIN Direct should be included as a technology list in the project. This was voted and approved unanimously.
7. Is Group Ready to Fund Raise?
Need Board of Trustee member, is that accomplished (question by Brett McDowell). John Fraser mentioned that he has had a discussion with the board president (outgoing) and they are in agreement that it is okay to proceed.
Action: New leadership in Kantara should be updated (Trent and Lucy). Joni took action item to communicate with board members.
Joni shared some of the history and recent leadership changes with the group.
Action: Group to proceed with approval in place, with appropriate funding caveats.
Next Meeting
- Date: Thursday, May 27, 2010
- Time: 10am PST | 1pm EST | 5pm UTC | 7pm CEST (Time Chart)
- Dial-In: Skype: +9900827044630912 - North American Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
- Code: 4630912