LC telecon 2011-01-05

LC telecon 2011-01-05

LC telecon 2011-01-05

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, January 5, 2011
  • Time: (new time!) 14:00 PT | 17:00 ET | 22:00 UTC (time chart)


  1. Roll call
  2. Approval of 2010-12-22 minutes
  3. Planning for 2011-01-19 telecon attendance
  4. Action item review
  5. BoT matters
  6. WG/DG matters
    1. Federation Operator Guidelines review and approval – see documents linked from email
  7. Discussion of Report process guidelines/OPs
    1. See proposal
  8. AOB


Quorum is 7 of 12 as of 10 Nov 2010.


  1. Consumer ID WG: represented by Bob Pinheiro
  2. ID-WSF Evolution WG: represented by Peter Davis
  3. Privacy and Public Policy WG: represented by Jeff Stollman
  4. User-Managed Access WG: represented by Eve Maler
  5. Healthcare ID Assurance WG: represented by John Fraser and Pete Palmer
  6. eGov WG: represented by Colin Wallis or Fulup Ar Foll
  7. ULX WG: represented by Paul Trevithick
  8. Federation Interoperability WG: represented by John Bradley


  • Joni Brennan (managing director)


  • Dervla O'Reilly
  • Frank Villavicencio


New AI summary




Write draft process guideline for group Reports.

Roll call

Quorum was achieved.

Approval of 2010-12-22 minutes

Motion: Pete moves, and Jeff seconds:


Approve 2010-12-22 minutes.

Carried by unanimous consent.

Planning for 2011-01-19 telecon attendance

John B. likely can't attend. Eve can't attend but can put together an agenda ahead of time. Pete can run the call.

Action item review

The LC discussed these items:

  • 2010-10-19-1 TBD Needs assignment Spearhead the creation of a "Budget and Funding" guideline. Now assigned to John and Joni. This item relates to Bob's previously mentioned concerns about participants vs. non-participants getting funding to do WG work. The process guideline on the External Funding Process glancingly mentions what group participants should do or not do regarding activities for which they are externally funded, but there is currently no written guidance about internal funding. It was observed that an explicit bylaw about self-dealing and related matters may be helpful for clarity.
  • 2010-12-22-1 Budget subcommittee (John, Pete, Eve) Open Supply ledger codes for budgeted items and recommend any reallocations of budgeted items. Now closed.

Budget matters

Motion: Eve moves, and Colin seconds:


Release funding and assign ledger codes for first two P3WG events, the ULX mockup, and the HIA patient ID portal immediately, and put a hold on the rest until we can sort out the Japan WG funding issues.

Carried by unanimous consent.

BoT matters

The last BoT call of the year was 2010-12-17. The 2011 budget and project funding were the main topics. Running at a deficit is an acknowledged strategy, but the goal is to keep it as low as possible. Membership fees for 2011 were also raised 10%, with a corresponding discount for new members in the first half of the year. A small for non-profits has also been added to the fee scale. The BoT appointed Leif Johansson to the IAB. An expansion to the BoT itself is also being considered, where organizational members can win an annual election of a BoT seat. The confidential liaison subcommittee issue is also still alive.

Federation Operator Guidelines review and approval

(See FOGs document and comment disposition linked from email.)

It was noted that the glossary is consistent with other already-approved documents related to IAF, but acknowledged that all could use improvement. It was also noted that the current scope of the guidelines doesn't yet focus on privacy considerations and other purposes to which federations could be put. The roadmap for future increases in scope is being worked on. ARB, IAWG, P3WG, and quite a few other Kantara groups could provide input to this.

Motion: Eve moves, and Jeff seconds:


Approve the Federation Operator Guidelines and undertake an All-Member Ballot for Kantara-wide approval.

Discussion: The document is a little rough around the edges in some places. We should be ready for commentary similar to what has been raised by LC members coming back from the All-Member Ballot. The ballot may want to have a prologue that explains the context of the ballot itself, the document, and the process. Anna will construct the ballot.

Carried by unanimous consent.

Discussion of Report process guidelines/OPs

(See proposal.)

It was suggested that a criterion for LC approval, in addition to those listed in the proposal, is a baseline of readability – the rationale being that the document is still a "Kantara product" even if it's not approved in an all-member ballot. There is consensus that the LC should work with a group to address basic document quality issues to make sure that the Report is suitable for Kantara PR and marketing efforts.

Eve agreed to write a proper draft process guideline reflecting the proposal and the additional criterion.

United ID effort

Colin mentioned the new United ID effort, which is SAML-based.