LC telecon 2011-09-14

LC telecon 2011-09-14

LC telecon 2011-09-14

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve 2011-08-31 minutes
  3. PIDS ?Presentation (30 minutes)
  4. 2012 budgets / budget allocation requests
  5. Group shut down for Identity & Access Services WG & EUM DG - LC to vote in favor
  6. LCTFSC (20 minutes)
    1. WG / DG & community update on relevant TFW developments and activities in order to script / align Kantara Strategy
    2. Outline the TFSC roadmap for Kantara efforts into Q4 (and Q1?)
  7. Group-specific matters
  8. AOB - new Confluence Home Page - reference this page: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/NEW+TEST+CONFLUENCE+HOME+PAGE+MOCK+UP


Quorum is 6 of 11 as of 13 July 2011.

  1. Identity Assurance: represented by Myisha Frazier-McElveen
  2. User Managed Access: represented by Eve Maler
  3. Healthcare Identity Assurance: represented by Pete Palmer
  4. Federation Interoperability: represented by John Bradley
  5. Privacy & Public Policy: represented by Anna Slomovic
  6. eGovernment: represented by Colin Wallis
  7. Telecommunications Identity: represented by Gael Gourmelen


  1. Dervla O'Reilly
  2. Joni Brennan
  3. Anna Ticktin


  • Lara Zimberoff

Not in attendance:

  1. Identity Assurance: Rich Furr (apologies)
  2. Healthcare Identity Assurance: John Fraser (apologies)
  3. Telecommunications Identity: Jonas Hogberg (apologies)


  1. Attribute Management DG: represented by Sal D'Agostino
  2. Information Sharing: represented by Joe Andrieu
  3. Guest from eCitizen: Dan Combs
  4. Guest from eCitizen: Dazza Greenwood
  5. Guest from eCitizen: Daniel Bennett

Roll Call


Approve 2011-08-31 minutes

Motion: Collin Wallis moves, Eve Maler seconds:

Passed by unanimous consent.

PIDS Presentation

Dan Combs: Phase 1 of project is to design an open architecture to enable. Healthcare is currently in the process of going digital. There is a critical gap in patient identity in the healthcare sector, which PIDS has been created to fill, particularly the fulfillment of Meaningful Use criteria. We believe that there is a big payoff for the Kantara organization in developing and supporting this project, and putting its stamp on the identity sector within healthcare. Jeremy Grant participated in an event for NSTIC at MIT, and he said that he gets asked a lot where NSTIC could make the biggest difference and that his answer is always healthcare. There is a need in healthcare for something like PIDS. We have reached a point where we are at the tail end of phase 1, which is gathering input and creating the architecture for a 1.0 version of a PIDS design. We are now onto version 0.8.

There has been a lot of exposure of the PIDS projects at various events and to various groups via presentations. We are currently scheduling for upcoming events with HIMSS and at various universities.

Dazza Greenwood: That brings us to the present. As Dan said, we are near the end of phase 1. Following phase 1 will be phase 1.5, between design and provisioning the resources to implement and promote what we are proposing. What we are proposing is that in phase 1.5, we create a more detailed set of specifications such as wire frames, site paths, screenshots, etc. to articulate what the resource will look like. We would also identify and get letters of intent for those that are interested in participating, such as groups that are interested in implementing PIDS. We would also establish and conclude our relationship with our implementers. Vendor, relying party, and identifying provider, and government outreach is extremely critical. In phase 1.5, we will also create and manage some proofs of concept in order to better lead us into phase 2.

Dan Combs: The intent is that 1.5 will bring us into phase 2, which is the actual building of PIDS. We are hoping that we will be able to build 2 or 3 implementations so we can then demonstrate interoperability and go through the appropriate test and certification process.

John Bradley: When will report on phase 1 of the project be available?

Dan Combs: One month. We’re distributing a 0.8 version to the group tomorrow. We will gather input from the WG and create a .9 version, after which a 1.0 can be approved with the WG to get approval of the final document.

Colin Wallis: missed his questions

Dan Combs: We are focusing on healthcare testing and certification. We are open to incorporating Kantara’s requirements into the plan.

Dazza Greenwood: Part of version 1.5 will be determining what other certifications we should consider. We are heavily considering Shibboleth.

Colin Wallis: Is identity proofing in the scope of the project?

Dan Combs: There’s substantial conversation to be held about that issue. We’re aware of it as an issue. It ends up playing in a variety of ways in trying to do this project, because as you can imagine, across many systems, identity is handled in my many different ways. We will incorporate standards that already exist and conduct/build in the appropriate identity proofing processes and inherit what has already been done and leverage that work. We may be using / linking a SAFE credential to an open id and, avoiding repeating processes if they are not necessary. We are working that issue in a lot of ways.

Anna Slomovic: Does is matter from your point of you whether you’re dealing with an HIE, NHIN Direct, or is that too far beyond the scope at this point?

Pete Palmer: Everybody is getting to the same point. If you look at what’s going on with SNI Framework workgroups, Tiger Team recommendations, etc., everyone is landing at the same Assurance Level 3, and I can’t imagine that anything less than that would be built into future systems.

Daniel Bennett: We’ve had conversations with Direct and Connect and know quite a lot about what is going on. By the time we get to the 2.0 section, we should have some great partners within these various groups who can help make these components within PIDS viable.

Anna Slomovic: Part of the reason I asked is because the patient credential is going to correlate with a patient lookup service.

Daniel Bennett: A lot of the work is around mapping an actual patient and credential and the records within a provider or HIE.

Dan Combs: There are conversations about how patients are treated as users or data objects. One hurdle is mapping the way we conceptualize patient data and mapping it to the way the healthcare industry view patients as a data object or record.

Pete Palmer: I know there are a lot of non-healthcare people on the call. There are huge incentive dollars for providers to achieve Meaningful Use, so this is a very big deal. We are in Stage 1 right now. The success would be in getting our harmonized framework incorporated into the Stage 2 criteria.

Dazza Greenwood: We hope you look favorably on the project and our efforts to get from phase 1 to phase 2.

2012 Budgets / Budget Allocation Requests

Dervla has created a page on the wiki space within the LC area (http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/LC/2012+Budget+Allocation+Requests) tracking the requests to date. Dervla will update the table to reflect the new entries.

Pete Palmer informs the LC that the HIA WG meets tomorrow (9/15) and will be submitting its budge request at the conclusion of that meeting.

Eve Maler informs that LC that the UMA WG has a draft proposal that needs more discussion. The group is meeting tomorrow (9/15) and the WG approved proposals will be submitted after tomorrow if not an issue with the LC.

Joni Brennan proposes conducting a call on 9/21 for timing and to accelerate budget allocations and to discuss other items related to the budget.

Motion to conduct LC meeting same time next week (9/21, 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC)
Pete Palmer moves, Eve Maler seconds.
Passed by unanimous consent

Group Shut Downs

Identity & Access Services WG

Motion: Eve Maler moves, Colin Wallis seconds:


Initiate Shutdown of Identity & Access Services WG

Passed by unanimous consent.


Motion: Eve Maler moves, Colin Wallis seconds:


Initiate Shutdown of EUM DG

Passed by unanimous consent.


Per Joni Brennan, recent discussions have taken place regarding how every group within Kantara can be better informed of the work and efforts within the different groups, and what the overarching drives and work items are. The question in front of us Per Joni is how each group can remain informed, and what the right approach is for keeping groups informed.

After some discussion, the consensus from the group is that a page on the Kantara site which serves as an overall summary of work being done in each group would be the best approach. This would be a location on the site in which each group can synthesize work being done and that each group can visit to be kept informed of other groups' work.

Group Specific Matters

No groups specific matter discussed.


New confluence page referenced in agenda: Dervla requests input and suggestions.

Per Colin Wallis, Quicklinks get somewhat lost and suggests that they be made easier to find. Joni Brennan thanks Colin for the feedback, states that the Kantara staff is continuing to work on the site to make sections of it easier to find, and requests that the group continue to review the confluence page and email feedback to the staff. Anna Ticktin  requests time on the call agenda next week for additional feedback.

Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, 21 September 2011
  • Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)