LC telecon 2011-12-07

LC telecon 2011-12-07

LC telecon 2011-12-07

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve 2011-10-26 and 2011-11-09 minutes
  3. Leadership Elections
  4. Additional Criteria : US Federal Privacy (IAWG Doc for review, ratification and elevation to an all-member ballot)
  5. Announcement of 3-Tiered Marketing Track toward Increased Kantara Visibility
  6. Group-Specific Matters
  7. AOB


Quorum is 6 of 11 as of 13 July 2011.

  1. Bob Pinheiro---CIWG
  2. Pete Palmer---HIAWG
  3. Colin Wallis---eGov
  4. John Bradley---FIWG
  5. Rich Furr---IAWG


  1. Joni Brennan
  2. Dervla O'Reilly
  3. Anna Ticktin


  • Anna Ticktin


  1. Heather Flanagan (AMDG)


  1. None received

Roll Call

Quorum not reached.


Approve 2011-10-26 minutes

Quorum not reached. Vote will be held on next quorate call.

Approve 2011-11-09 minutes

Quorum not reached. Vote will be held on next quorate call.

Leadership Elections

ACTION ITEM 20111207-01 Anna: launch eballot.

Additional Criteria: US Federal Privacy (IAWG Doc for review, ratification and elevation to an all-member ballot)

This vote would be for approving our assessment guidelines / additional criteria as drafted by IAWG, not on a specific sector's privacy requirements. LC recommendation : IAWG should re-categorize it as a report. The LC will ratify the document and publicize it to membership. NO all member ballot should be held.

Announcement of the 3-Tiered Marketing Track toward Increased Kantara Visibility

This document will be distributed to the LC Marketing subcommittee by Dervla as the PM. Joni advises that it may be best to slate this discussion for a combined BoT and LC marketing subcommittee telecon. In this regard, if it's a bilateral gathering involving the BoT, outside SMEs could be tapped to attend.

Group-Specific Matters



FYI: Direct Trust group is forming around the health care sector. Pete Palmer and Rich Furr are liaisons. The intent is to create policy necessary to bless trust models . The default protocol transport is email---HISPs (health info service providers, not personal emails...). Intersection : how can Kantara certification provide value for this community and ONC?


Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, 21 December 2011
  • Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)