LC telecon 2011-06-22

LC telecon 2011-06-22

LC telecon 2011-06-22

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, 22 June 2011
  • Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)


  1. Roll call
  2. Approve 2011-05-17 minutes
  3. Administrative matters
    • New LC Secretary seat open beginning July 1, 2011
  4. Action item review
    • RLBob, Iain/Joe, Anna: Report on the intentions of the ULX, InfoSharing, and P3 groups with respect to funds that have been allocated for their use in 2011
  5. KI-wide matters
    • 2011Q2 comes to a close at the end of June; quarterly reports will be due
  6. Group-specific matters
    • New NSTIC DG status
  7. AOB


Quorum is 7 of 12 as of 10 Nov 2010.

  1. Healthcare Identity Assurance WGP: represented by Pete Palmer
  2. User-Managed Access WG: represented by Eve Maler
  3. Federation Interoperability WG: represented by John Bradley
  4. Consumer Identity WG: Bob Pinheiro
  5. eGov WG: represented by Colin Wallis


  • Dervla O'Reilly
  • Joni Brennan

Not in attendance:

  1. ID Assurance WG: represented by Myisha Frazier-McElveen
  2. ULX WG: represented by Philippe Clement
  3. Telecommunications Identity WG: represented by Jonas Hogberg & Gael Gourmelen
  4. Japan WG: represented by ?
  5. Privacy and Public Policy WG: represented Anna Slomovic
  6. BoT: represented by Vadim Lander


Roll call

Quorum was not reached.

Approve 2011-05-17 minutes

Deferred due to lack of quorum.

New LC Secretary seat open beginning July 1, 2011

This position will be open soon.

2011 budget status

The action item for RLBob, Iain/Joe, and Anna to "Report on the intentions of the ULX, InfoSharing, and P3 groups with respect to funds that have been allocated for their use in 2011" can be closed.

Folks on the last ULX call discussed this issue. They don't have an answer yet because other more pressing matters about the group's direction need to be decided first.

The IAWG has expressed a wish for additional funding.

The P3WG has been thinking about a way to get the privacy framework developed by a consultant. They'd had money set aside for a summit. They may be thinking about requesting a shift of these funds. We believe the proper process would be to come back to the LC with a proposal for approval. Dervla will follow up with Joni and P3 reps.

The Japan WG sent in an invoice for their first 2011 event.

Joni has discussed budgets with Iain of InfoSharing. The group is developing a project plan and is making progress. They plan to use the funds, but haven't gotten that far yet.

The Fed Interop group may not need all of its requested funds.

Might funds be available to the Consumer Identity WG if it re-spins up? The likeliest scenario is that outside funds might be able to be matched through reallocation.

2011Q2 comes to a close at the end of June

Quarterly reports for 2011Q2 will be due by July 31. Dervla has once again reminded groups who are in arrears on 2011Q1 reports.

New NSTIC DG status

This has been announced to the community, and the first meeting has been set up for this Friday. The wiki page is up. It's anticipated that international participation will help us provide well-rounded input. The group will meet weekly, likely on Tuesdays, weekly at least until the NOI is due – the schedule is fairly tight. Richard Wilsher will run the group. The group's outputs will be completely openly published.

Does Kantara anticipate getting a seat on the steering committee or offering to be a home for it? This is a topic the DG needs to discuss. Additional info-gathering is likely in order. There are board members who have joined the DG, so that should be helpful for this purpose, particularly around questions of authority and liability.

Interest in attribute group

The IAWG once again has been discussing the potential for spinning off an attribute-specific group. If you have input towards a charter that deals with "attribute assurance", schemas, and attribute aggregation mechanisms, let Joni know. Colin is looking at schema issues for eGov WG purposes, which could be contributed to such a new group.

Trust Framework Steering Committee status

We'll ask Anna Ticktin to jump-start this.

Consumer Identity group future

The group is considering becoming a DG instead. This would probably be accomplished through shutting down the WG and starting a fresh DG. The DG spin-up process is very lightweight, and could be even more so if the original charter is repurposed.

UK OASIS event

Colin gave some input. Dervla will share with the OASIS folks the names of Kantara-involved people we think might be interested to take part.

SmartCard Alliance summit/workshop in DC on November 1

Kantara is contributing to this. Let Joni know if you're interested. IAWG and Healthcare Identity Assurance have already expressed interest.

Next Kantara F2F

The survey results are suggestive that a Bay area meeting might be best. Nothing is firm yet, but it might make sense to hold this on October 20-21, at the tail end of IIW. John and Nat will have OIDF obligations on the Thursday evening.

Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, 6 July 2011
  • Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)