LC telecon 2011-08-31

LC telecon 2011-08-31

LC telecon 2011-08-31

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve 2011-08-03 minutes
  3. Quartlery Reports - Group Shutdown - John Bradley
  4. Block time slots for October Kantara F2F Meeting - http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Kantara+Initiative+Conferences - Dervla O'Reilly
  5. Kantara F2F meeting Spring 2012 - would group meet Sunday & Monday, April 15 & 16 prior to EIC in Munich or Thursday & Friday, April 12 & 13 (noting Easter Sunday is April 8) - Dervla O'Reilly
  6. Revisit open action items: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/LC/Minutes+and+Meeting+Materials
    1. Proposal for URI Naming Convention - http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/LC/URI+Naming+in+Technical+Specifications - Eve Maler

7. Group-specific matters

8. AOB


Quorum is 6 of 11 as of 13 July 2011.

  1. Federation Interoperability: represented by John Bradley
  2. eGovernment: represented by Colin Wallis
  3. User Managed Access: represented by Eve Maler
  4. Identity Assurance: represented by Myisha Frazier-McElveen and Rich Furr
  5. Healthcare Identity Assurance: represented by Pete Palmer
  6. Consumer Identity: represented by Bob Pinheiro
  7. Privacy & Public Policy: represented by Anna Slomovic


  1. Joni Brennan
  2. Dervla O'Reilly


  • Lara Zimberoff

Not in attendance:

  1. Healthcare Identity Assurance: Co-Chair John Fraser


  1. Attribute Management DG: represented by Sal D'Agostino


Roll Call

Approve 2011-08-03 minutes

Motion: Colin Wallis moves, Eve Maler seconds:

Passed by unanimous consent.

Quarterly Reports - Group Shutdown

John Bradley completed reports for Federation Interoperability, preventing the group from being shut down.

Per Dervla, four groups are facing shutdown - Identity & Access Services WG, ULX WG, European DG, and ID-WSF Evolution WG. John Bradley stated he has received correspondence from the ULX WG confirming that shutdown process should be commenced. Dervla stated the Identity & Access Services WG promised they would send a note directly to the LC but that hasn’t happened just yet. They are aware of what may be happening today regarding the group being shut down. John Bradley stated the LC will wait for formal correspondence from the Identity Access Services WG before voting on shutdown. Joni Brennan notified the group that Anna Ticktin is reaching out to European DG and requested a hold on the shutdown process until next week pending engagement on European projects. If there is no response, shutdown may be commenced. John Bradley approved the request to extend shutdown initiation for European DG. Update: The European DGs Chair has confirmed they would like group shutdown, therefore this will be voted to be shut down on the next call Sept. 14.

Motion to begin shutdown of ID-WSF Evolution WG & ULX WG and that staff take appropriate measures to archive existing work:

Pete Palmer moves, Bob Pinheiro seconds
No Discussion, no abstentions, no opposition
Passed by unanimous consent

Block Time Slots for Kantara F2F Meeting


Dervla reminded all call participants to schedule time for the F2F Meeting coming up in October so the agenda for the event can be built. Groups confirmed to date: eGovernment, Privacy and Public policy, Information Sharing, Board of Trustees, Leadership Council

Pete Palmer stated he is not available to attend and will see if he can get John Fraser to represent as Rick Moore cannot represent the HIA WG.

Per Dervla, the scheduling deadline was technically 8/31 (date of this call) and that she would reach out to the individuals not present on the call regarding scheduling times at the event.

Kantara F2F Meeting Spring 2012

Dervla O'Reilly has identified a location in Munich which is willing to host the event. The group needs to determine a date for the event that will be preferable and will not interfere with Easter, likely travel schedules, and EIC Conference (April 17-20). General consensus is that April 15th & 16th is preferred. Dervla thanked the group for feedback.

Revisit Open Action Items


Trust Framework Steering Committee Status: per Joni, Anna Ticktin is still working on this item.

P3 funding modiciation: Per Anna Slomovic, this action item should be closed.

URI Naming Convention discussion

Eve Maler stated that the point is for these to be temporary labels with the knowledge that the labels will change. Proposal provides for the ability to use names in this area to satisfy needs and technical specs. Colin Wallis suggests the word “temporary” be used either in the URL or in the title for clarity. Eve will modify per Colin's suggestion.

Motion: Anna Slomovic moves, Colin Wallis seconds:

Passed by unanimous consent.

Group Specific Matters

Update from John Bradley re: IRB - Ellen Newland has accepted a new position at another company that is not currently active in Kantara, though she intends to change this. Ellen is stepping down from her seat in IRB Board.


Board of Trustees call summary:

President Update - Matthew Gardiner: As of Sept. 1, 2011, Matthew is leaving the CA business unit due to re-organization and re-structure. As Kantara is engaged by CA through the security business unity, therefore, Matthew needs to resign as President of Kantara Initiative and his BoT seat. Matthew will participate on an individual basis in September. Michelle Waugh will be Matthew's replacement on the BoT representing CA and is transitioning into the role.

This leaves the BoT with an issue to fill the President seat. The current President is allowed to elect a replacement.  Ideally, someone or a few people could come forward at least in the Interim to fill the role. We are looking to back-fill this role asap.

Member elected BoT seats: Nominations went out today. Kantara created 2 at-large seats that were not filled. The new term is September 2011-December 31, 2012.

Schedule for funding proposals:

Joni Brennan reminded the LC that per the operating procedures, section 8, the LC must prepare annual budget request for submission to Board of Trustees no later than 9/30 each year. Any WG requesting funds must submit request to LC ASAP. Each WG needs to think about what it wants to do in 2012, and if any group has budget requests, it must prepare a request that includes baseline logistics and goals. This will be a high priority action item in October. Each WG should submit proposal no later than 9/15. FUNDS ARE NOT CARRIED OVER FROM YEAR TO YEAR. 2011 funds will dissolve at end of 2011.

Tracking IAS Recognition from FICAM

Per Pete Palmer, Surescripts has submitted numerous requests to FICAM and has received no response. Joni Brennan offered to give a presentation via WebEx on all things Kantara to FICAM and whoever else would like to see it to increase exposure to Kantara and the various organizations involved. Pete Palmer's action is to send Joni the names of the individuals from FICAM who should be invited to the presentation.

Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, 14 September 2011
  • Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)