LC telecon 2011-10-12

LC telecon 2011-10-12

LC telecon 2011-10-12

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve 2011-09-28 minutes
  3. Budget / Funding Status
  4. ISWG Budget Allocation / Use of Funds
  5. F2F Agenda Discussios
  6. Group-specific matters
  7. AOB


Quorum is 6 of 11 as of 13 July 2011.

  1. Federation Interoperability WG: represented by John Bradley
  2. Healthcare ID Assurance WG: represented by Pete Palmer
  3. ?Privacy & Public Policy WG: represented by Anna Slomovic
  4. Telecommunications Identity WG: represented by Jonas Hogberg
  5. Consumer ID WG: represented by Bob Pinheiro
  6. eGov WG: represented by Colin Wallis


  1. Joni Brennan
  2. Anna Ticktin


  • Lara Zimberoff


  1. Information Sharing WG: represented by Joe Andrieu

Roll Call


Approve 2011-09-28 minutes

Motion: Pete Palmer moves, Jonas Hogberg seconds:

Passed by unanimous consent.

Budget / Funding Status

Per John Bradley, no news from the Board. Per Joni Brennan, discussion of the requests and the proposed allocations of funds is on the on Board of Trustees' agenda in the F2F meeting. Joni stated she predicts it’s going to be a very tight year in 2012 budget-wise, and that it will be necessary to seek funding from organizations that find value in Kantara. There will be an official discussion and a response for the BoT to the LC at the F2F. Note that these are unofficial predictions.

ISWG Budget Allocation / Use of Funds

Per Joe Andrieu, the ISWG wants to retain someone to develop a WG report that would explain to new domain experts how to create engagement models to be incorporated into its process. John Bradley clarifies that the ISWG has not spent any of its allocated budget for 2011, that this request roughly fits into the WG's budget request, and that the proposed person to do the work is Joe Andrieu, who confirms John's clarifications. Joni Brennan states that per guidelines for WG spending money on contracting members of the WG, there should be an attempt to find a non-LC member to fill those positions. If no one is found, then an LC person may be considered. That person should not be an approval point for completion of the project, and that person should recuse themselves on any gross involved with the project. Joe Andrieu's response to John Bradley's inquiry as to whether the WG has attempted to find somebody else to do this work is that he is the sole domain expert on the approach. Joe additionally states that if the WG can find someone else, they would be open to discussion with that person, but the concern is that the WG only has funding available through the end of the year, and given the amount of time the WG is spending with new domain experts, the consensus is that he is the best person for the job. John Bradley asks who in the WG is going to be responsible for negotiating the new contract, to which Joe responds that the recommendation is that the WG uses the same basic terms of the existing agreement, for which approval was up to Ian Henderson, the co-chair of the WG.

It was determined that the WG needs to document its reasons for filling this position by an internal WG / LC member, and pass a motion confirming it has exhausted its other options, after which the LC can approve.

F2F Agenda Discussion

Colin Wallis suggests that ways to stimulate interest in Kantara be discussed at the F2F. Joni Brennan elaborates on this matter by stating additional discussion points at the F2F will include strategies for ensuring continuity, thoughts about governance, funding, membership value, recruiting and marketing events, etc.

Group-Specific Matters

Per Anna Ticktin, the IAWG has reviewed comments on US Federal privacy profile. Anna is putting together the final draft recommendation for the group’s blessing via email vote that can then be distributed to the LC.


John Bradley asks staff if yearly elections for LC Chair are pending in the near future. Joni Brennan states that Anna Ticktin can go back and identify the date of John's initial election. Joni recalls that the one year anniversary of John Bradley's election as LC Chair is approaching soon but states that there is no term limit. Anna Ticktin will correspond with the LC in regards to elections.



Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, 26 October 2011
  • Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)