P3WG Meeting Minutes 2009-10-08

P3WG Meeting Minutes 2009-10-08

Kantara P3-WG Telephone Meeting of October 8 2009
Approved Minutes
The meeting was convened via telephone conference by Jeff Stollman at 11:00 AM EDT.

  1. Roll call

    Attending Susan Landau

    Bob Pinheiro

    Darrell Shull

    Colin Soutar

    Jeff Stollman

    Randy Vanderhoof

    Britta Glade

    David Weitzel

    Regrets Iain Henderson

    Mark Lizar

    Stephen Wilson

    Robin Wilton

  2. Action Item updates
    1. Quorum issue
      1. Jeff updated on current number of P3-WG voting members (15) and process for determining member status
        1. Missing multiple meetings subjects the member to loss of voting rights
        2. Members may elect to be deemed "Observers" without voting rights
        3. New members who do not make an election are considered voting members unless subsequent multiple meetings are missed
        4. Participating in the most recent meeting restores voting rights
    2. ICAM ballot
      1. The motion to submit the P3-WG comments as a working group report passed
      2. The motion to submit the draft as a concept for a full Kantara submission did not
      3. Discussion on reasons members voted "no" ensued:
        1. Some voted No because two submissions (one from a WG and one from the full Kantara) is a poor strategy
        2. ACTION ITEMS:
          1. For future submissions, the P3-WG should formalize a process to consider if sufficient lead time exists (45-60 days) then the P3-WG may consider a vote to submit to the full Kantara as a recommendation instead of as a working group report
          2. It is suggested Robin have a conversation with the Leadership Council about a streamlined approval process for certain classes of documents is in order
          3. Brita will provide a document which outlines the vote process as it currently exists (attached)
    3. Collaboration site URL update
      1. Brita is investigating a site to provide virtual white board and other functionality
    4. Comparison of US/UK LoA update
      1. Will get an update from Patrick Curry on a future call
    5. Officer ballot update
      1. Current ballot for Vice Chair position has been underway
      2. Brita reports sufficient votes have been cast to declare results – Jeff Stollman has been elected as Vice Chair
  3. US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Privacy Roundtable 07 DEC in Washington, DC
    1. Tabled until next week when Iain can provide input and reports
  4. Las Vegas Plenary Report
    1. Robin is preparing notes
    2. Robin made contact with Ely Kahn at the White House who will hopefully be joining the WG
    3. Contact has been made with Privacy Commons, which is interested in working cooperatively with us on any potential WG Privacy Policy template or guide work product
  5. P3 Strategic Focus
    1. Jeff reported we now have a WIKI for members to post ideas on strategic focus work, available at: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Workstream+Foci
      1. Jeff encourages members to both post their ideas and to comment on ideas already posted by others
  6. Approve minutes of September meetings
    1. Tabled due to lack of quorum
  7. No other business was discussed

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM EDT.
Voting Policy Summary
Listed below are the vote types and requirements for various votes, noting the reference where the requirement is stated.
1. The following actions require a Simple Majority of the [relevant] voting membership

  • [LC] Approval of the formation of a Work Group; (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)
  • [LC] Dissolution of a Work Group or a Discussion Group; (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)
  • [WG] Certification of a Draft Recommendation as ready for All Member Ballot (to take to the LC for consideration) (Section 3.8 of the Operating Procedures);
  • [WG] Certification of initial or review recommendations for All Member review (not vote) (Article 7.1 of IPR Policies)
  • [LC] Certification of a Draft Recommendation as ready for All Member Ballot (vote requirement in LC to take to ballot) (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)
  • [LC] Permission to WG to release Draft Technical Specification for review by non-participants (section 7.2 of Kantara Initiative IPR Policies);
  • [WG and LC] Approval of Work Group and Discussion Group Reports (LC: Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures; WG: Section 3.9 of the Operating Procedures); and
  • [All] All actions not specifically identified elsewhere in these procedures (Section 2.6 of the Operating Procedures)

2. The following actions require a Majority of the [LC] voting membership

  • [LC] Election of Leadership Council Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary; and (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)
  • [LC] Submission of Budget Requests (or supplements) to the Board of Trustees (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)

3. The following actions require a 1/5 minority of those voting:

  • [LC and WG] Request for a roll-call vote (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)

4. The following action requires a Supermajority of those voting in an All Member Ballot:

  • Adoption of the Operating Procedures (Section 9 of the Operating Procedures)
  • Amendments to Operating Procedures (after passing LC and BoT vote) (Section 9 of the Operating Procedures)
  • Adoption of Final Draft Technical Specifications, or any update to an Organization Recommendation Technical Specification that utilize the Option Liberty IPR Policy (Article 7 of the Kantara Initiative IPR Policies)
  • NOTE FOR ANYTHING THAT IS A RECOMMENDATION: at least 15% of all Members must vote (Section 5.4 of the Bylaws)

5. The following action requires a Majority vote of the LC and the BoT:

  • Amendments to Operating Procedures (Section 9 of the Operating Procedures)

For electronic votes:
There is no Quorum requirement since all voting members are considered to be
present for an electronic vote. However, unless otherwise required, a majority
of those eligible to vote on the measure under consideration must return a ballot
in order for the vote to be valid.
Public vs. Private:

  • Section 5 of the OPs: The voting record by the full Membership shall be publicly available upon completion of the ballot. (Emphasis added by me---results posted after the vote, not in flight)

  • Section 6.1 (votes at meetings)--obviously that's public since it's verbal--exact language: The vote shall be by voice vote except in those cases where a secret ballot is required. The results of the vote shall be announced by the chair immediately upon completion of the vote and the results recorded in the meeting minutes.

  • Section 6.3: Except in those cases where a secret ballot is required by the Controlling Documents of the Organization the final tally by voter shall be made public. (editorial note: so you have the ability to issue your votes to be public or private, but final tally by voter shall be made public)

Who's vote counts:
Section 3.7: In the case of an electronic vote of the WG, if the electronic vote occurs while a Participant is in non-voting status, the Participant may not vote in that electronic vote.