P3WG Meeting Minutes 2009-10-08
Kantara P3-WG Telephone Meeting of October 8 2009
Approved Minutes
The meeting was convened via telephone conference by Jeff Stollman at 11:00 AM EDT.
- Roll call
Attending Susan Landau
Bob Pinheiro
Darrell Shull
Colin Soutar
Jeff Stollman
Randy Vanderhoof
Britta Glade
David Weitzel
Regrets Iain Henderson
Mark Lizar
Stephen Wilson
Robin Wilton
- Action Item updates
- Quorum issue
- Jeff updated on current number of P3-WG voting members (15) and process for determining member status
- Missing multiple meetings subjects the member to loss of voting rights
- Members may elect to be deemed "Observers" without voting rights
- New members who do not make an election are considered voting members unless subsequent multiple meetings are missed
- Participating in the most recent meeting restores voting rights
- Jeff updated on current number of P3-WG voting members (15) and process for determining member status
- ICAM ballot
- The motion to submit the P3-WG comments as a working group report passed
- The motion to submit the draft as a concept for a full Kantara submission did not
- Discussion on reasons members voted "no" ensued:
- Some voted No because two submissions (one from a WG and one from the full Kantara) is a poor strategy
- For future submissions, the P3-WG should formalize a process to consider if sufficient lead time exists (45-60 days) then the P3-WG may consider a vote to submit to the full Kantara as a recommendation instead of as a working group report
- It is suggested Robin have a conversation with the Leadership Council about a streamlined approval process for certain classes of documents is in order
- Brita will provide a document which outlines the vote process as it currently exists (attached)
- Collaboration site URL update
- Brita is investigating a site to provide virtual white board and other functionality
- Comparison of US/UK LoA update
- Will get an update from Patrick Curry on a future call
- Officer ballot update
- Current ballot for Vice Chair position has been underway
- Brita reports sufficient votes have been cast to declare results – Jeff Stollman has been elected as Vice Chair
- Quorum issue
- US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Privacy Roundtable 07 DEC in Washington, DC
- Tabled until next week when Iain can provide input and reports
- Las Vegas Plenary Report
- Robin is preparing notes
- Robin made contact with Ely Kahn at the White House who will hopefully be joining the WG
- Contact has been made with Privacy Commons, which is interested in working cooperatively with us on any potential WG Privacy Policy template or guide work product
- P3 Strategic Focus
- Jeff reported we now have a WIKI for members to post ideas on strategic focus work, available at: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Workstream+Foci
- Jeff encourages members to both post their ideas and to comment on ideas already posted by others
- Approve minutes of September meetings
- Tabled due to lack of quorum
- No other business was discussed
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM EDT.
Voting Policy Summary
Listed below are the vote types and requirements for various votes, noting the reference where the requirement is stated.
1. The following actions require a Simple Majority of the [relevant] voting membership
- [LC] Approval of the formation of a Work Group; (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)
- [LC] Dissolution of a Work Group or a Discussion Group; (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)
- [WG] Certification of a Draft Recommendation as ready for All Member Ballot (to take to the LC for consideration) (Section 3.8 of the Operating Procedures);
- [WG] Certification of initial or review recommendations for All Member review (not vote) (Article 7.1 of IPR Policies)
- [LC] Certification of a Draft Recommendation as ready for All Member Ballot (vote requirement in LC to take to ballot) (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)
- [LC] Permission to WG to release Draft Technical Specification for review by non-participants (section 7.2 of Kantara Initiative IPR Policies);
- [WG and LC] Approval of Work Group and Discussion Group Reports (LC: Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures; WG: Section 3.9 of the Operating Procedures); and
- [All] All actions not specifically identified elsewhere in these procedures (Section 2.6 of the Operating Procedures)
2. The following actions require a Majority of the [LC] voting membership
- [LC] Election of Leadership Council Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary; and (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)
- [LC] Submission of Budget Requests (or supplements) to the Board of Trustees (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)
3. The following actions require a 1/5 minority of those voting:
- [LC and WG] Request for a roll-call vote (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)
4. The following action requires a Supermajority of those voting in an All Member Ballot:
- Adoption of the Operating Procedures (Section 9 of the Operating Procedures)
- Amendments to Operating Procedures (after passing LC and BoT vote) (Section 9 of the Operating Procedures)
- Adoption of Final Draft Technical Specifications, or any update to an Organization Recommendation Technical Specification that utilize the Option Liberty IPR Policy (Article 7 of the Kantara Initiative IPR Policies)
- NOTE FOR ANYTHING THAT IS A RECOMMENDATION: at least 15% of all Members must vote (Section 5.4 of the Bylaws)
5. The following action requires a Majority vote of the LC and the BoT:
- Amendments to Operating Procedures (Section 9 of the Operating Procedures)
For electronic votes:
There is no Quorum requirement since all voting members are considered to be
present for an electronic vote. However, unless otherwise required, a majority
of those eligible to vote on the measure under consideration must return a ballot
in order for the vote to be valid.
Public vs. Private:
- Section 5 of the OPs: The voting record by the full Membership shall be publicly available upon completion of the ballot. (Emphasis added by me---results posted after the vote, not in flight)
- Section 6.1 (votes at meetings)--obviously that's public since it's verbal--exact language: The vote shall be by voice vote except in those cases where a secret ballot is required. The results of the vote shall be announced by the chair immediately upon completion of the vote and the results recorded in the meeting minutes.
- Section 6.3: Except in those cases where a secret ballot is required by the Controlling Documents of the Organization the final tally by voter shall be made public. (editorial note: so you have the ability to issue your votes to be public or private, but final tally by voter shall be made public)
Who's vote counts:
Section 3.7: In the case of an electronic vote of the WG, if the electronic vote occurs while a Participant is in non-voting status, the Participant may not vote in that electronic vote.