P3WG Meeting Minutes 2009-10-15

P3WG Meeting Minutes 2009-10-15

Kantara P3-WG Telephone Meeting of October 15 2009
Draft Minutes
The meeting was convened via telephone conference by Robin Wilton at 11:00 AM EDT.

  1. Roll call
    1. Quorum was met
      1. Trent Adams
      2. Rich Furr
      3. Iain Henderson
      4. Susan Landau
      5. Darrell Shull
      6. Jeff Stollman
      7. Robin Wilton
      8. Britta Glade
      9. Ian Glazer
      10. Abbie Barbir
      11. Tom Smedinghoff
      12. Aaron Titus
  2. Action Item updates
    1. ICAM Ballot
      1. Jeff submitted the report to ICAM last Friday
      2. Robin followed up with a note to Judy Spencer reiterating the working group's desire to contribute positively
        1. ACTION: Robin will forward his note to the full WG
    2. Collaboration site URL update
      1. Britta reports that staff is working on this and will report to the list prior to the next meeting
    3. Comparison of US/UK LoA update
      1. Further discussion tabled until a future meeting
    4. Increasing participation
      1. Robin discussed and requested ideas on how to recruit corporate CTOs to the WB
        1. Are there forums or publications to which we should outreach?
          1. ACTION: Ian suggests IAPP and will reach out on behalf of the WG
        2. There is a need for the WG to assist in the identification and production of revenue-generating work product and/or recruitment
  3. Conference Report update
    1. Robin reported on the Net ID 2009 conference held in Berlin October 1 and 2
      1. Robin presented on Identity Protection in and Economic Downturn
        1. As an example, an organization which collects PII or other sensitive data and has a staff position which is charged with protecting that data may no longer be able to provide that staff role in a downturn
      2. Robin hosted a roundtable for interested participants where Kantara membership and involvement were discussed and promoted; attendance was double the anticipated participation
        1. Which leads to request for ideas on how the working group may further assist in marketing Kantar
          1. Britta reports on the webcast available via the WIKI
            1. ACTION: Britta will share the URL
          2. Jeff requests testimonials and Robin suggests the collection of written testimonials
            1. Britta referred us to the Kantara main page (near the bottom) for video testimonials and further asks for additional testimonials
  4. US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Privacy Roundtable 07 DEC in Washington, DC
    1. Jeff discussed the previously distributed session questions and reported that he has drafted input
      1. ACTION: Jeff will post his draft response to question 1
      2. ACTION: Jeff will draft and solicit input a response to question 3
    2. Aaron discussed Privacy Commons' approach to question 3
      1. In the process of identifying core disclosure requirements across sectors
      2. There are limitations to the many of the disclosures currently in place (non-binding; not thorough; etc.)
      3. Utilizing the Creative Commons approach to disclosure
        1. Focuses on highlighting the 4-5 key items of copyright policy
        2. Delivers that information via icons
      4. ACTION: Aaron will provide web access for further information
    3. Jeff asks if there may be value in the WG joining the efforts of Privacy Commons
      1. Further discussion takes place under agenda item 5 below
    4. Robin outlined the Privacy Anti-Patterns concept put forth by Paul Madsen
      1. Robin has posted an example to the WIKI but asks if we risk exposure by posting actual bad examples from real organizations
        1. ACTION: On Susan's request, Robin will research if Kantara legal counsel can be asked to review and advise the WG
  5. P3 Strategic Focus
    1. Jeff directs the WG members' attention to the WIKI page where ideas are collected and reviewed: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Workstream+Foci
    2. Further discussion deferred to next week's call
  6. Approve minutes
    1. Susan moves acceptance of September and October minutes, Jeff seconds
      1. VOTE: No objections to unanimous consent -- September and October minutes are approved
  7. Other business
    1. Trent reports that Kantara will likely be able to participate in comments to OECD via ITAC
    2. Robin asks that comments made through other channels be

The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM EDT.