P3WG Meeting Minutes 2009-10-22

P3WG Meeting Minutes 2009-10-22

Kantara P3-WG Telephone Meeting of October 22 2009
Draft Minutes
The meeting was convened via telephone conference by Jeff Stollman at 11:00 AM EDT.

  1. Roll call
    1. Attending
      Trent Adams
      Bob Pinheiro
      Darrell Shull
      Colin Soutar
      Jeff Stollman
      Brita Glade
      Aaron Titus
      Susan Landau
      Quorum was NOT met
    2. Regrets
      Iain Henderson
      Robin Wilton
      Colin Wallis
      Mark Lizar
  2. Action Item updates
    1. Collaboration site URL update (Britta)
      1. A previous contract for a collaboration site was dropped because of lack of use and cost
      2. Britta offers that the WIKI can be used as a collaboration site, or a member might offer use of their own collaboration site or tools for the use of the group
      3. If the WG has greater need than would be covered by the above, a supplemental budget request can be made
    2. A question arose – "May a sponsor make an earmarked contribution to Kantara for the benefit of a particular work group or project?"
      1. Britta reported that discussions about this have taken place
      2. ACTION ITEM: Britta will check status and report back to the WG
  3. US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Privacy Roundtable 07 DEC in Washington, DC (Jeff)
    1. Jeff again directed the WG to review draft responses at: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Written+Response+to+US+Federal+Trade+Commission+%28FTC%29+queries+for+07+DEC+09
    2. Jeff requested a volunteer to champion the draft response to question #3
    3. It was suggested that liaisons with other related groups on this and other WG activities (see further discussion in item #4a)
  4. P3 Strategic Focus (Jeff)
    1. Aaron offered to reach out to the groups with whom he has relationships and request them to consider participation in this WG
    2. Jeff again asked the group to review and comment on the strategic focus nominations at: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Workstream+Foci
    3. Susan asked if there is value to taking the list of nominations to the Leadership Council for input on their priorities
      1. ACTION ITEM: Susan will circulate a draft to the WG which, after polishing, will then be submitted to the Leadership Council
    4. Discussion ensued on the process for moving forward
      1. ACTION ITEM: WG members are asked to offer themselves as the champion of one or more of the listed initiatives
      2. ACTION ITEM: On the next call the champion of each initiative will offer it to the group for consideration and a vote for approval
      3. This process will continue as new initiatives are proposed
      4. ACTION ITEM: Colin will draft and post to the WIKI a template for champions to use in describing and posting details of the initiative; and champions are asked to format their entries accordingly
      5. ACTION ITEM: Trent will add the privacy module to the list
  5. All other business
    1. None

Meeting was adjourned at 11:56 AM.