P3WG Meeting Minutes 2009-11-05

P3WG Meeting Minutes 2009-11-05

Privacy and Public Policy working group Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Thursday, NOV 05, 2009
  • Time: 08:00 PDT | 11:00 EDT | 16:00 UTC


  • Jeff Stollman
  • Abbie Barbir
  • Rich Furr
  • Aaron Titus
  • Robin Wilton
  • Susan Landau
  • Colin Soutar


  • Britta Glade
  • Iain Henderson
  • Darrell Shull


  1. Roll call
  2. Action Item updates
  3. P3 Strategic Focus
  4. All other business
    FTC response
  5. Update Roll Call
  6. Review Action Items


1. Roll Call
2. Action Item updates

RW to invite Kantara letter to UK CESG/Cabinet Office
Brett will send letter to position us as advisor to both US ICAM and UK CESG

BG to report on "earmarking contributions to Kantara for a particular WG or project"
Yes, we can have funding earmarked to us through Kantara and still maintain Kantara’s 501(c)(6) tax-exempt status

RW to draft response to The Public Voice on Madrid Declaration
ACTION ITEM: RW hopes to publish draft before next call
RW to update wiki with link to BT Trustguide report.
It is posted under question 2 on the FTC response wiki page: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Written+Response+to+US+Federal+Trade+Commission+%28FTC%29+queries+for+07+DEC+09

RW to update wiki with list of candidate focus items for discussion under (3)
Created new wiki page with summary list of potential work items: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Potential+Work+Items+-+Summary+list

3. P3 Strategic Focus

Wiki address: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Workstream+Foci
Vote to accept/reject those submissions that conform to the new template as per UMA process.
ACTION ITEM: RW will add SC27 support to candidate work list
JS suggests figuring out what other groups we need to track and attempt to influence (e.g., government organizations)
RW believes that we also need to track other organizations that seek to influence
SL suggests CSIS (Washington think tank supporting the president) is not doing anything we need to focus on just now and would not be welcome
ACTION ITEM: SL will provide a report on CDT (Center for Democracy & Technology in Washington, DC) next meeting
ACTION ITEM: SL will send Lee Tien’s email for Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF);
ACTION ITEM: RW will seek to get Lee Tien to join P3
SL believes that their interest may be limited to health care
ACTION ITEM: AT will send Excel to Jeff
JS will post spreadsheet
RW suggests we set up a wiki page to list and track these groups
AT tracks ~50 organizations now; Berkman Center may track these groups too.
ACTION ITEM: JS will check w/Doc Searls to see if we can leverage any tracking that they do
ACTION ITEM: RW will set up polling to prioritize strategic focus and determine commitment to leading/supporting the activities
We determined that it would be beneficial to have all polling be public, so we see who is supporting and committing to what

4. All other business

FTC response
We will cover this higher up on the agenda next week, since we ran out of time to cover it during the meeting

Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, November 12, 2009
  • Time: 08:00 PDT | 11:00 EDT | 16:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: +1-218-862-7200
  • Code: 9247530

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