P3WG Meeting Minutes 2009-11-19

  1. Roll call
      Trent Adams
      Abbie Barbir
      Rich Furr
      Britta Glade
      Ian Glazer
      Iain Henderson
      Mark Lazar
      Darrell Shull
      Colin Soutar
      Jeff Stollman
    2. REGRETS:
      Susan Landau
      Aaron Titus
      Robin Wilton
  2. Action Item updates
    1. Report on Brett sending letter to position us as advisor to both US ICAM and UK CESG (Tabled  because RW was not in attendance)
      1. RW:  We're holding on this pending a response from Patrick Curry, who was scheduled to have meetings with some of the folks in question.
    2. RW draft response to The Public Voice on Madrid Declaration (Tabled  because RW was not in attendance)
      1. RW:  Will try and action this before the call – STILL OUTSTANDING
    3. RW to update wiki with list of candidate focus items for discussion under Strategic Focus
      1. RW:  Done
      2. Created new wiki page with summary list of potential work items:  http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Potential+Work+Items+-+Summary+list
    4. RW to reach out to Lee Tien of Electronic Frontier Foundation to join P3
      1. RW:  Incomplete at this time
    5. SL will provide a report on CDT (Center for Democracy & Technology in Washington, DC)
      1. Incomplete at this time.
    6. RW will add SC27 support to candidate work
      1. RW:  Incomplete at this time
    7. Tracking privacy groups
      1. AT sent Excel spreadsheet listing 50 privacy groups he is tracking to JS
        1. done
      2. JS posted spreadsheet to new wiki page for tracking other privacy groups
        1. http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Other+Privacy+Organizations
          1. JS checked w/Doc Searles to see if we can leverage any tracking that Berkman Center does
            1. Doc forwarded request to someone at Berkman who might have a better idea of such activities; awaiting reply
  3. FTC response review (JS)
    1. See current response at http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Written+Response+to+US+Federal+Trade+Commission+%28FTC%29+queries+for+07+DEC+09
    2. Could not come to any consensus on Q1 response
      1. Jeff added explicit wording about the need to develop a framework to measure/value risk
      2. Attendees raised no issues with current proposed response, other than Ian Glazer's concern about clarity
      3. ACTION ITEM:  Jeff and Ian Glazer will work together to make wording more clear
    3. Q2 Response added.
      1. Issues included:
        1. Consumers expect privacy and proper custodianship of their PII
        2. They don't expect that they will be the targets of identity theft and/or fraud.
        3. They don't expect to have any negotiating power in what data is collected (other than not using the service that requires the information)
          1. Attendees raised no issues with current proposed response
    4. Additional response added to Q3.
      1. Aaron submitted some supplemental text to Jeff for consideration
      2. Jeff updated response using Aaron's inputs
      3. Attendees raised no issues with current proposed response
    5. ACTION ITEM:  JS to send out ballot for finalized responses
  4. P3 Strategic Focus (RW)
    1. Wiki address:  http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Workstream+Foci
    2. RW set up model Doodle poll to prioritize strategic focus and determine commitment to leading/supporting the activities:  http://www.doodle.com/ky7d5hhafsqifehb
      1. As long as we add a description that includes "will participate" to the poll, group accepted doodle poll approach
    3. ACTION ITEM:  RW to issue Doodle poll to prioritize current list.
      1. Note:  This will be an ongoing activity as new items will be added on a continuous basis
  5. Quarterly Report
    1. RW sent out a copy to mailing list for review
    2. No comments from group when comments solicited
  6. Telecon on 11/25 vs. 11/26 (Thanksgiving in the US)?
    1. Group decided call should be cancelled
  7. All other business
    1. P3 attendance for Portland Kantara F2F March 9-11, 2010 - hosted by Intel, Hillsboro, Oregon
      1. Agenda:  http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Kantara+Initiative+Conferences
      2. Darrell and Trent will attend
      3. Joe might attend from VPI, but Iain will not
  8. Update Roll Call
  9. Review Action Items