P3WG Meeting Minutes 2009-10-29
P3WG Meeting Minutes 2009-10-29
Kantara P3-WG Telephone Meeting of October 29 2009
Draft Minutes
The meeting was convened via telephone conference by Robin Wilton at 11:00 AM EDT.
- Roll call
- Attending
Trent Adams
Patrick Curry
Rich Furr
Iain Henderson
Colin Soutar
Jeff Stollman
Aaron Titus
Robin Wilton
Colin Wallis
Quorum was met
- Attending
- Regrets
Darrell Shull
Britta Glade
- Regrets
- Action Item updates
- Update on US/UK LOA comparison. Patrick Curry reported that an invitation to the UK Cabinet Office and CESG (as the logical counterparts of GSA/ICAM and NSA respectively) had not provoked any active engagement on their part.
- ACTION ITEM: Robin Wilton to invite Brett MacDowell to write to CabOff/CESG citing the level of existing engagement with US counterparts, in his capacity as Kantara Exec Director
- Robin repeated the request for ideas on how to engage with the corporate CPO community.
- A question arose – "May a sponsor make an earmarked contribution to Kantara for the benefit of a particular work group or project?"
- Britta reported that discussions about this have taken place
- ACTION ITEM carried forward: Britta will check status and report back to the WG
- Update on US/UK LOA comparison. Patrick Curry reported that an invitation to the UK Cabinet Office and CESG (as the logical counterparts of GSA/ICAM and NSA respectively) had not provoked any active engagement on their part.
- Consideration of the Madrid Declaration
- http://thepublicvoice.org/madrid-declaration
- Group members expressed concerns about the declaration - in particular clauses (7) and (9), on grounds that they were potentially unimplementable and therefore undermined the credibility of the declaration as a whole.
- It was also noted that the Declaration is presented as a fait accompli, rather than inviting discussion or allowing partial approval, thus obliging signatories to endorse the whole document or nothing.
- However, there was consensus that the underlying motivations for the Declaration were constructive and relevant, and that P3WG should consider issuing a response to publicvoice.org.
- ACTION ITEM: Robin Wilton to draft a response and circulate to the group for comment
- US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Privacy Roundtable 07 DEC in Washington, DC (Jeff)
- Robin again directed the WG to review draft responses at: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Written+Response+to+US+Federal+Trade+Commission+%28FTC%29+queries+for+07+DEC+09
- It was suggested that the Group's response take two forms:
- A direct response to those of the 3 questions where we have a view;
- A brief supplementary paper indicating any areas where we feel there are relevant considerations which the FTC's questions do not raise.
- For example, Rich Furr noted that taking an exclusively US-centric approach will not result in better privacy outcomes, in an environment where data controllers are already affected by safe-harbor and Binding Corporate Rule provisions, and other cross-border factors.
- Iain Henderson noted, concerning Question 2 (Consumer Expectations) that there is little research on this topic to date, and still less which is quantitative; the BT Trustguide report is an exception which merits citing in our response. ACTION ITEM: RW to update the wiki
- We should also consider inviting the FTC to contribute to the research already planned in this area by the ISWG.
- P3 Strategic Focus – ITEM carried forward to 5 Nov call
- Aaron offered to reach out to the groups with whom he has relationships and request them to consider participation in this WG
- Jeff again asked the group to review and comment on the strategic focus nominations at: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Workstream+Foci
- Susan asked if there is value to taking the list of nominations to the Leadership Council for input on their priorities
- ACTION ITEM: Susan will circulate a draft to the WG which, after polishing, will then be submitted to the Leadership Council
- Discussion ensued on the process for moving forward
- ACTION ITEM: WG members are asked to offer themselves as the champion of one or more of the listed initiatives
- ACTION ITEM: On the next call the champion of each initiative will offer it to the group for consideration and a vote for approval
- This process will continue as new initiatives are proposed
- ACTION ITEM: Colin will draft and post to the WIKI a template for champions to use in describing and posting details of the initiative; and champions are asked to format their entries accordingly
- ACTION ITEM: Trent will add the privacy module to the list
- All other business
- None
Meeting was adjourned at 12:10 PM.
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