HIA WG Concall 2011-03-31 Minutes

HIA WG Concall 2011-03-31 Minutes

Kantara HIAWG Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Thursday, March 31, 2011
  • Time: 10 am PDT | 1 pm EDT | 5 pm UTC | 7 pm CEST


  • Bill Braithwaite
  • Dan Combs
  • Myisha Frazier-McElveen
  • Barry Hieb
  • Pete Palmer
  • Laurie Tull
  • Lara Zimberoff
  • Rick Moore
  • Dazza Greenwood
  • Tony Goulding
  • Adrian Gropper
  • Daniel Bennett


  • Dan Jorgensen (sp?)
  • Pat Pyette


  • Rich Furr
  • John Fraser
  • Dave Minch


  1. Intro
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Leadership Nominations
  5. Field Survey Update
    1. Show Google doc spreadsheet
    2. Socialize Twitter for field survey - use #PIDS hashtag and link
  6. Use Case(s) - Applicable Meaningful Use Requirements
    1. Patient Access  Measure 5 of the Menu Set*

     b.  Measure 12 of the Core Measures**

7. Socializing Phase 2 / Participation and Letters of Intent for Phase 2

8. Other Business

9. Adjourn


1. Intro
2. Roll Call (see above)
3. Approval of Minutes (tabled to end of call)

Dazza Greenwood: Edit #3 of 3/17 minutes. Remove “for example,” add that Dazza met with Todd Park, CTO of Health and Human Services for Obama Administration, who wants to follow up on the project.

Daniel Bennett motions to approve amended minutes, Rick Moore seconded. Minutes approved without objection.

4. Leadership Nominations

Pete Palmer: Reviewed bylaws prior to call

Anna Ticktin: 7-day period to respond to nominations. Elections can be held in a few different manners – either by email or on call.

Pete takes action to create nominations with a 7-day response period. Anna offers to assist with circulation of nomination email.

No questions or comments in regards to nominations.

5. Field Survey Update

Daniel: Unfortunately, people have not been coming to the form to submit information. Reminder about forms:
1.    PHR Portals
2.    Literature
3.    Products, technologies, standards, projects
Please fill them in, don’t be concerned about duplication. If you have a Twitter account, you can use a hashtag for submissions in your tweets. For those of you participating on today’s call, I encourage you to participate in the field survey. Feel free to email content to Daniel@ecitizen.com. Are there any questions about the ongoing field survey?

(Discussion / instructions in regards to use of hashtags on Twitter)

6. Use Case(s) - Applicable Meaningful Use Requirements

Dan Combs: We are looking into meaningful use requirements as we believe it will be a good business decision and will increase interest.

*Measure 5 of 10--Menu Set Measures
Patient Electronic Access
Provide patients with timely electronic access to their health information (including
lab results, problem list, medication lists, and allergies) within 4 business days of the
information being available to the EP.
At least 10 percent of all unique patients seen by the EP are provided timely (available
to the patient within four business days of being updated in the certified EHR
technology) electronic access to their health information subject to the EP’s discretion
to withhold certain information.
Any EP that neither orders nor creates lab tests or information that would be
contained in the problem list, medication list, medication allergy list (or other
information as listed at 45 CFR 170.304(g)) during the EHR reporting period.

**Measure 12 of 15--Meaningful Use Core Measures
Electronic Copy of Health Information
Provide patients with an electronic copy of their health information (including
diagnostic test results, problem list, medication lists, medication allergies) upon
More than 50 percent of all patients who request an electronic copy of their health
information are provided it within 3 business days.
Any EP that has no requests from patients or their agents for an electronic copy of
patient health information during the EHR reporting period.

We built these into the use case that we drafted. We wanted to ask the group a few questions and get input about updating this piece. We did this about 8 months ago and wanted to know if people have further information. Does anybody have updated information that have changed opinions about the specifics of these 2 requirements or how to incorporate them into the use case?

(no response)

Second question – Does anyone know of products or services that claim to address these meaningful use requirements? We’re specifically looking for information on the work you do yourselves, or things you may have heard about in the market.

(no response)

Response?: Many vendors are claiming they can do these things, but I have yet to see how they will be implemented. It’s a challenge right now. You can look at the c-chip list to view vendors who claim they comply. C-chip’s name has changed, but I believe you know what I’m referring to.

Dan Combs: I was not aware the name had changed. Is there a certification process the vendors must go through to be added to the list?

Response?: That is the intention of the ONC.

Dan Combs: If I recall correctly, the certification is only meeting requirements, but not actual demonstration?

Rick Moore: They’ve created a product that’s been sent to the certifying body to be reviewed and tested. That product may or may not be widely available. The vendors also have to meet specifications to get on the list. They’re supposed to be able to meet the specifications for meaningful use if they’re on the list?

Pete Palmer distributes URL to group: http://onc-chpl.force.com/ehrcert

Dazza: Part of the reason we were reviewing this question is to do some benchmarking to see how folks are beginning to meet meaningful use. Do you all have a sense for how meaningful use is being designed, and how we can support that?

Rick Moore: I would say for those of us who have day jobs, it’s difficult to keep track of, but I think there are things we can do for this project, try and focus on what is relevant to the project and what technology is needed for them to work.

Pete: Are you asking what the criteria are for meaningful use?

Dazza: Yes

Pete: I’ll find what I can and send it to the list when I find the right documentation.

Dazza: There is a different set up requirements for hospitals – do you all have information on this that could be considered an equivalent? Ultimately we want what we recommend for phase 2 to pass the testing regime.

(some discussion about the objective)

Dazza: What want to see how close we can get to creating something that meets these meaningful use requirements.

Pete confirms he will gather information.

Dazza: It would be great if the documentation you find could be included in the field survey.

7. Socializing Phase 2 / Participation and Letters of Intent for Phase 2

Dan Combs: Wanted to once again remind people about phase 2. We will need resources, funding, etc. We will be circulating a letter of intent to participate in phase 2 and will follow up with discussion on exactly what that will mean. We would like the members of the group to figure out a way to fund and/or resource phase 2. If these efforts are not done internally, then we will have to seek outside sources, grants, etc. which may change the nature of the project in unknown ways.

8. Other Business

No other business.

9. Adjourn

Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, April 14, 2011
  • Time: X PDT | X EDT | X UTC (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Code: 4630912