HIA WG Concall 2011-12-08 Minutes

HIA WG Concall 2011-12-08 Minutes

Kantara HIAWG Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Thursday, December 8, 2011
  • Time: 10am PST | 1pm EST | 5pm UTC | 7pm CEST (Time Chart)


  • Pete Palmer
  • John Fraser
  • Barry Hieb
  • Daniel Bennett
  • Dan Combs
  • David Chartash
  • Adrian Gropper
  • Tim Reininger
  • Rick Moore
  • Laurie Tull
  • Bill Braithwaite


  • Rich Hodge - HIMSS
  • Jeff Smith - Chime


  • No apologies


  1. Intro
    1. Roll Call
    2. Approval of Minutes
  2. Presentation and Discussion: Coalition for an Informed Patient Identity Integrity Solution, information on current work can be found here, http://capwiz.com/himss/issues/alert/?alertid=56458536
  3. PIDS Update
    1. ONC Demonstration Update
    2. Phase 1.5
      1. Presentation to Kantara Privacy and Public Policy Working Group, P3WG
  4. Other Business
  5. Adjourn


1. Intro

a. Roll Call: see above

b. Approval of Minutes:

No minutes from 10/27 to approve – Rick will send recording from call to Pete so he can take minutes.

John Fraser: David Kibbe has formed new group – directtrust.org, way to develop standardize Direct implementation. Part of it may involve our PIDS Service. Pete, do you know more about this, or have any updates?

Pete Palmer: This group is the by-product of a group from the Direct project. It was determine that a non-profit would be beneficial to help support the rollout of Direct, and to help maintain certain policies. A little over a year ago, ONC started addressing interoperability for meaningful use. Supports HISP implementations that are starting to roll-out.

John Fraser: We’ve been invited to join directtrust.org – valuable for this group?

Dan Combs: would be worth exploring – can look into it and provide some information back

Rick Moore: Need to understand architecture to determine if the project is concurrent with PIDS

John Fraser: Bigger policy issue is if we are going to issue certificates to patients, and that is different that the directtrust.org model, but perhaps the 2 could integrate.

Put on agenda to talk about how group could plug into our PIDS Service

2. Presentation and Discussion: Coalition for an Informed Patient Identity Integrity Solution

Dan Combs: Introduction of Coalition for an Informed Patient Identity Integrity Solution – group put together the Rich Hodge from HIMSS and Jeff Smith from Chime, both present on call.

Rich Hodge: Happy to have the opportunity to be on this call. We have a policy issue – we are focused on a very specific, but key issue. This issue arises from HIPAA, which had a provision that required HHS to develop an individual identifier for health. HHS does not feel it has the authority or ability to address the patient identifier issue. We’ve looked for ways to circumvent the Labor Appropriations Bill that was developed in 1999. All of our efforts have been understood, but not prioritized. HIMSS has made this one of our top 3 priorities. We’ve found that Congressman Jim Moran of Virginia was willing to take this on and sponsor a letter. Congressman Morand selected 4 members of Congress who supported the issue. We’ve launched a campaign to get the members of our Coalition to bring attention to this issue. No one has objected, and we think Congressman Morand will get the letter signed. He selected those four for their backgrounds in supporting healthcare issues. We think this is a viable effort and would like to get this accomplished as soon as possible. We have drafted background documents on this. We don’t advocate for a particular strategy or specific solution --we’re specifically focused on having HHS move forward with have congress remove this prohibition so patient information can be appropriately and securely exchanged across systems.

John Fraser: Has there been an actual bill drafted to facilitate this, or are you still seeking support?

Rich Hodge: We drafted a bill, but couldn’t find anyone to support it. We’ve come to a conclusion that GAO study is the best way forward at this time.

John Fraser: What do you perceive to be the overall objections?

Rich Hodge: I don’t see any specific objections from Congress, I see them prioritizing budget issues, etc.

Jeff Smith: Urgency is something that most members we’ve met with do not grasp, particularly as it relates to the technicality of the issue.

Rich Hodge: In the advocacy and policy section of the HIMSS website is an action letter link – you can click to send an advocacy letter via that sent. Helpful for members of congress to hear from experts in Healthcare IT who really understand this issue.

Adrian Gropper: There is a privacy issue here who I am not in a position to represent that should be considered.

Rich Hodge: We’ve tried to describe the scope of our issue broadly enough to address the high level policy fix, not the technological policy risk.

Adrian Gropper: it’s not entirely clear to me that the privacy community will accept that strategy.

Barry Hieb: We’ve had many conversations with privacy advocates – mainly those concerns, though valid, are used to prevent any analysis of the issue. We believe that ultimately, the privacy advocates will approve it, because it is the only way to achieve the privacy requirements they’ve laid out, but we are in a gridlock at the moment.

John Fraser: I’m hopeful that we’re staying away from some of these privacy issues with our PIDS service, but I’m seeing now that they may be difficult to avoid.3. PIDS Update

3. PIDS Update

Pete Palmer: Delay in selection process. Suggest we contact Ivy at ONC, no correspondence from ONC.

John Fraser: Please do, and provide update for list serve.

Update on PIDS service and fundraising efforts for next call.

4. Other Business

No other business

5. Adjourn

Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, January 5, 2012
  • Time: 10 am PDT | 1 pm EDT | 5 pm UTC | 7 pm CEST
  • Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Code: 4630912