HIA WG Concall 2011-05-12 Minutes
HIA WG Concall 2011-05-12 Minutes
Dan Combs
Barry Hieb
Bob Pinheiro
Laurie Tull
Rich Furr
Dave Minch
Pete Palmer
Dazza Greenwood
Daniel Bennett
Rick Moore
Peter Bachman
John Fraser
Lara Zimberoff
Anna Ticktin
Roll Call - Quorum achieved
Approval of Minutes:
- A motion to approve "minutes" from 28 April was made by Dave Minch and seconded by Pete Palmer. However, as that was a non-quorate call, what was record are considered unofficial meeting "notes" and thus cannot be approved unless they are read into a quorate call and summarily approved as part of that official record. What minutes are outstanding are those captured on 31 March which will need to be approved.
PIDS Fundraising:
- + $250,000 to $500,000
- Cash and in-kind contributions
Call for papers :
- Develop a one page document detailing what you or your organization can do to support the PIDS project progression.
- Question : With funding in hand, how long will this project take to complete? Answer: 6mos-1 year
- John Fraser will integrate Union Gateway into in-kind contribution (phase 2).
Business, Legal and Technical Issues in PIDS
- Electronic diagramming tools and use presentation
- BLT Issues Discussion
Open Architecture for Step-Up Authentication (step-up legal, step-up business)
- Technical Committee
- What to do until then?
PIDS Face to Face