HIA WG Concall 2011-03-17 Minutes

HIA WG Concall 2011-03-17 Minutes

Kantara HIAWG Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Thursday, March 17, 2011
  • Time: 10 am PDT | 1 pm EDT | 5 pm UTC | 7 pm CEST


  • Tony Goulding
  • Barry Hieb
  • Myisha Frazier-McElveen
  • Laurie Tull
  • Dan Combs
  • John Fraser
  • Daniel Bennett
  • Bill Braithwaite
  • Pete Palmer
  • Rick Moore
  • Dazza Greenwood
  • Lara Zimberoff
  • Dave Minch
  • Rich Furr


  • Joni Brennan


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. PIDS Status Report (5 min)
  4. Field Survey Session (20 min)
    1. Please be prepared to open a browser window and submit information
    2. http://www.ecitizenfoundation.org/2011/03/field-survey.html
  5. What's Coming Next (10 min)
  6. Other Business
  7. Adjourn


1. Roll Call

See above

2. Approval of Minutes

John Fraser motions to approve 2/17 minutes, Daniel Bennett seconds. Minutes approved without objection.
Bill Braithwaite motions to approve 3/3 minutes, Daniel Bennett seconds.  Minutes approved without objection.

3. PIDS Status Report

Dazza: I was speaking at SXSW earlier this week and had the opportunity to meet up with a number of people who are interested in participating and possibly being funders. I met with Todd Park, CTO of Health and Human Services for Obama Administration, who wants to follow up on the project. I also gave a presentation at the Capital for the Texas State Department of Health and Human Services – they were interested in having some follow up on this.

Dan Combs: We are in the process of setting up interviews, so you will no doubt be hearing from us going forward to gather your input. We are in the middle of collecting information from the field survey, Daniel Bennett will provide more details later in the call.

Daniel Bennett: Was there any feedback that anyone on the call heard from the launch call last week?

John Fraser: I heard indirectly that Todd Parks is interested in this project. I believe he’s a health IT person for the Obama administration. I’d like to work with eCitizen to reach out to him.

Dazza: Yes, let’s coordinate.

Daniel: Any other feedback?

Rick Moore: We heard great feedback and enthusiasm at HIMSS. We sent the press release on to the HIE Steering Committee, so hopefully we’ll get a spot with them and some of the other HIMSS based organizations.

4. Field Survey Session

Daniel Bennett: Entries so far by Dan Combs, Dazza, and Barry. At the end of the process of people submitting data, it will be published as a resource. The link to fill out the form can be found in an email that has been distributed and on the Kantara wiki page. Has anyone had any trouble finding the forms? (directs everyone to go to the main page for the field survey)

1. Field Survey of Relevant technologies, standards, products, services, and projects – please include company in charge, the url to their relevant page, an abstract / attribution to avoid copyright infringement, and contact information for the institution, your name and email address (Daniel walks through examples of what has been submitted so far)
2. Field Survey for literature (Daniel walks through examples of what has been submitted so far)
3. Fields survey of Patient Health Portals, PHR Systems and CCRs (Daniel walks through examples of what has been submitted so far)

Dazza provides additional resources for Literature section and Dan Combs provides additional resources for relevant technologies, standards, products, services, and projects section.
Daniel Bennett: Call to action for all participants on the call to continue to submit information for field surveys.
Bill Braithwaite offers to provide additional information.
Re: PHRs, Rick Moore volunteers and recommends to include Epic MyChart. Various participants on the call provide recommendations and suggestions for all aspects of the field survey. Barry Hieb suggests a survey tab be added to the site so it is more accessible. (several other submission suggestions made, 10-15 minute brainstorm).
Daniel Bennett offers to assist with posting materials, participants are welcome to email him submissions that he is willing to post on their behalf.
?: Is there a quick way to list what’s already been posted?
Daniel Bennett: Not yet, but please just post whatever you have, don’t be concerned about duplication at this point.
John Fraser: Maybe end of next week, perhaps you could send out an email summary with a one-liner explaining each submission.
Daniel Bennett: Absolutely. I can distribute the spreadsheet of submissions to the group next week.

5. What's Coming Next

Dan Combs: You will be seeing emails and contacts from us about setting up interviews. You will be seeing a handful of documents over the next several weeks, such as a more detailed project plan schedule including when documents will be produced and open for review, deadlines for input, etc. You will also start to see some of the specifics we’ve been working on.

6. Other Business

Dazza: The launch call webinar format seemed very successful and provided a nice artifact on the website for the archives. We thought it might be a good tool to continue to use as an educational benchmark and opportunity for deeper discussions. We wanted to poll the input from the group regarding conducting webinars for a few future calls. Thoughts?

John Fraser: I think as long as these calls are socialized as our project and the topics are relevant, it will be a good way to broaden interest.

Dazza: I would like to specify these webinars would be about the PIDS project.

Barry: The only caution I have is that the webinars stay focused, but I generally think it’s a great idea.

Dazza: possible topics:
-    Trust frameworks
-    Statutory reliability and compliance issues
-    Privacy
-    Programs, projects, and policies which intersect with PIDS, ie NSTIC
Dazza: Feedback or other topics you think will be useful or helpful?

Pete Palmer volunteers to assist with these presentations.

7. Adjourn

Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, March 31, 2011
  • Time: 10 am PDT | 1 pm EDT | 5 pm UTC | 7 pm CEST
  • Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Code: 4630912