HIA WG Concall 2011-02-17 Minutes

HIA WG Concall 2011-02-17 Minutes

Kantara HIAWG Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Thursday, February 17, 2011
  • Time: 10 am PDT | 1 pm EDT | 5 pm UTC | 7 pm CEST


  • Dan Combs
  • John Fraser
  • Barry Hieb
  • Bob Pinheiro
  • Daniel Bennett
  • Dazza Greenwood
  • Rick Moore
  • Timothy Reiniger
  • Lara Zimberoff


  • David Minch
  • Pete Palmer
  • Myisha Frazier-McElveen


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Overview of Project (5 min)
    1. Summary of process that led to this point
    2. eCitizen Proposal
    3. HIAWG acceptance
    4. Fund raising process
    5. Contract with Kantara, OpenID Japan, eCitizen
    6. Final Project Plan
    7. Kick Off Call
  4. Review Project Plan
    1. Milestones & deliverables, process of drafts, feedback, final presentation session
    2. Parallel process of lining up participants and funders for phase 2
    3. Field survey and requirements
    4. eCitizen will provide materials and resources related to the project for the HIAWG website
      1. video of project at Media Lab can be embedded and more videos specific  to Kantara will be forthcoming
      2. short project description for Kantara blog / newsletter with link(s) on HIAWG to for field survey & requirements forms
      3. each deliverable when done will be uploaded to HIAWG under Creative Commons license
  5. Call for participation on tasks with deadlines
    1. Who will help with setting up meetings for requirements gathering and discussion of interest in participation in the PIDS project with various organizations? (not scheduling them, just identifying who will help schedule them)
    2. Who will participate in developing a list of field survey resources? (working with Daniel)
    3. Who will participate in developing an invitation list for the launch meeting (in two weeks) at which time the public Project Overview will be ready for presentation and a broader “call for participation” can be made?
  6. Next steps (10 min)
    1. Schedule calls for requirements
    2. Launch on March 3
  7. Adjourn


1. Roll Call (see above)
2. Approval of Minutes

Call not in quorum, minutes to be approved during next call.

3. Overview of Project / 4. Review Project Plan

Dan Combs: The project plan should be available on the HIA WG site – see link labeled “PIDS Project v 1.0”

Dazza: milestones and deliverables – the project plan represents the document that clarifies the deliverables for the project.

1.    Kickoff call (in progress)
2.    Project overview – slideshow and written materials available on the project website

John – when will slides be available? Could potentially socialize at HIMSS…

Dan Combs – we will work on that

3.    Interview process & field survey – to understand business, interface, and industry standards – target finish date is 4/8 -  followed by requirements and Constraints Document – 4/15
4.    Initial Concept Design / Options Document
5.    Project review session – target 4/28
6.    Draft PIDS design & phase 2 project plan – target 5/27
7.    Final proposed solution & phase 2 pilot plan

John Fraser: It would be helpful to include the milestones on the slide deck. Would it be appropriate to say that late may or early june, there will be a design document?

Dan Combs: Yes, that is the intent, and yes, we will include the milestones on the slides.

Daniel Bennett: next item, lining up funders for project

Dan Combs: Just want to reiterate the importance of lining up and raising funds for phase 2. We will be setting up a parallel process to move fundraising forward.

John Fraser: I recommended to Joni that she include some messaging about recruiting in the press release (distribution pending). I think the more robust we make our group, the more people we will have to assist with the fundraising process.

Barry: When is implementation expected to happen, assuming funding is not an issue?

Dazza: This will be in the implementation proposal.

Bill Braithwaite: Will we have funding that will carry us beyond the end of phase one?

Dazza: Part of the condundrum is understanding who the participants will be in phase two. Part of the reason we received fund matching was so that didn’t need to be done in phase one.

Daniel Bennett: The field survey was mentioned in the last call. We are planning on be prepared for the field study in time for the next meeting. We need to collect as much information as we can and use it as a resource for the next phase of the project. There will be a way to fill this in as a form online.

Dazza: requirements – per the project plan, there will be a series of structured interviews with the members of the WG, members of Kantara doing related work, and stakeholders. This is being done to gather input in a structured way and look at what this service can do, should do, and how it will be done. One thing that’s becoming obvious is that there may be a great number of people willing to participate in the interview process. What we could do is create a structured form that will allow us to gather a small amount of input from a broad group.

5. Call for Participation on Tasks with Deadlines

See agenda for notes and details.

6. Call for Participation on Tasks with Deadlines

Dazza: Is there anyone on the call who does not want to be included in the interview process? Our assumption is that everyone participating on the call will want to be part of the requirements gatherings.

John Fraser confirms his interest in participating, as well as Pete Palmer’s interest.

Daniel Bennett requests everyone alert conductors of requirements gathering of any crucial information during the interview process.

Dazza: we envisioned a WG call that was widely attended, but it has become apparent that we need more lead time to do that, so we’re targeting the next call as our launch call.

Dan Combs: This launch call is an opportunity for the HIA WG to further its case with Kantara and to demonstrate our progress with the project. One of the specific outreaches should be to Kantara leaders and members. The best resource can often be people you already know or who are already part of your existing organization, so let’s take advantage of that.

JF: What we need from eCitizen is the launch messaging that we can distribute. The sooner you can get that to the WG, the better. We can socialize that message and get good attendance that way.

Barry: HIMSS attendance next week may affect the response.

JF recommends “save the date” announcement to go out tomorrow.

Barry: to be clear, Daniel, are you responsible for putting together the “Save the date” announcement?

Daniel: eCitizen will get that out as quickly as we can.

Rick Moore: It is really important that we socialize the news at HIMSS. Can we distribute some kind of announcement at HIMSS?

Barry reminds group of discouragement of paper at HIMSS.

Dan Combs: We will do our part to announce our news prior to HIMSS via LinkedIn and other tools.

The group discusses marketing at HIMSS, including use of QR codes to generate an email list with which the WG can communicate.

7. Adjourn

Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, March 3, 2011
  • Time: 10 am PDT | 1 pm EDT | 5 pm UTC | 7 pm CEST
  • Dial-In: TBD
  • Code: TBD