HIA WG Concall 2011-04-28 Minutes

HIA WG Concall 2011-04-28 Minutes

Kantara HIAWG Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Thursday, April 28, 2011
  • Time: 10am PST | 1pm EST | 5pm UTC | 7pm CEST (Time Chart)


  • Tony Goulding
  • Dan Combs
  • Daniel Bennett
  • Laurie Tull
  • Lara Zimberoff
  • Bill Braithwaite
  • Rick Moore
  • Pete Palmer
  • Barry Hieb
  • Dazza Greenwood


  • Dave Minch
  • John Fraser
  • Anna Ticktin


  1. Intro
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Board Election Report
  5. ID Commons
  6. NSTIC: www.nstic.us
  7. Privacy
  8. Other Business
  9. Adjourn


1. Intro
2. Roll Call

See above.

3. Approval of Minutes

Call not in quorum - approval of minutes postponed to next call on 5/12/11.

4. Board Election Report

Outstanding votes: John Fraser, Myisha Frazier-McElveen

5. ID Commons

Dazza: Upcoming Internet Identity Workshop sponsored by ID Commons and other groups. eCitizen will be attending, Nat from OpenID will be there, as well as many folks from Kantara. Plan on doing some focused fundraising and marketing. I just wanted to give everyone a notice that this was happening. Is anyone else on the call attending?

(no response)


Daniel Bennett: Wanted to give everyone an update on the NSTIC launch.

Dazza: NSTIC was released by the White House at the Chamber of Commerce on 4/15. It looks pretty similar to the prior drafts that Kantara and other groups had commented on, but it looks like a very good draft. Dan Combs and I were both there and had the opportunity to talk to a lot of people in the private sector about PIDS. There are other upcoming NSTIC conferences, I am taking an active role in planning the Boston event/

Daniel Bennett: This is a series of meetings that NSTIC is setting up throughout the country. That information will be announced on the nstic.us site.

Dazza: Notably, Kantara was heavily involved in the creation of nstic.us.

Daniel: Along with that, we are trying to socialize using the #nstic for twitter. We have the nstic.us site, a domain which is being used by lots of folks. I would also like to point out the use of join.me/citizencontact, which I’ll be using to share my screen with you today. The first thing I want to point out is the document we put up on nstic.us. This document is in html and includes citations by paragraph or section that people can use. (Daniel walks through sharing documents on sharepoint and accessing citations)

Dan Combs: You can expect to see something like this as we publish documents for the PIDS Project. Our intent is that when we get to a reasonably stable version, you will see the documents and they will be citable so we can embed them into a development process. In NSTIC specifically, we wanted to point out that to some extent, the whole document had been incorporated into the PIDS project. I think we did that intentionally to incorporate the ideas into the PIDS project so it would fit into the NSTIC strategy as it was produced. The NPO (National Project Office) plans to support pilots. We have talked to a number of people at NSTIC and want to be in the first handful of pilots which make the identity ecosystem work.

Barry: Does the NPO have a Director or Executive?

Dan Combs: Jeremy Grant, we have had several conversations with him about this area in general and about this particular project. We wanted to point out that there are specific duties required for the NPO and the government in general – administrative roles, and government resources. There will be participation and support for various standards efforts, etc. I think we’ve done a good job of ensuring the PIDS project aligns with these intentions as the project moves forward. I think there are a number of sections in the strategy document that supports what we are planning to do. We are in really good shape to garner support from Federal Government Agencies as we go forward.

Dazza: General message – there is great alignment between PIDS and NSTIC, specifically in terms of privacy.

Barry: Kudos are in order to all of you!

Daniel Bennett: Feel free to use this document for your purposes, it does point to the authoritative document on the white house site.

7. Privacy

Dazza: These practice principles derive from health and human services reports that are described in best practices for data systems. Although that was the initial DNA, the major international implementation of this has been by the OECD. Only now has the US applied this. This particular implementation is a little bit different. This specific one came from the dept of homeland security’s privacy office and was imported to NSTIC. It addresses all the use cases you can think of.

Pete: SureScripts is trying to figure out how much the government is supporting eachothers programs. For example, the DEA policies re: eprescribing. Every prescriber on our network prescribes controlled substances, so what that means is all 300,000 will have to have a strong digital identity. At the same time, we’re hearing that the stage 2 meaningful use authentication is being developed. Then we have this effort that’s being driven by the president through the department of commerce. What is your sense of these entities working together to make this a reality?

Dan Combs provides a summary of various examples of government agencies aligning efforts.

Pete Palmer: When will we have a tipping point when we have a clear definition of what a digital ID is, why we trust them, etc.?

Daniel Bennett: I think the simple answer is, as soon as we finish phase 2 of our project.

Dan Combs: We are not exactly at that tipping point yet, but I think we’re pretty close. People want this information to be secure. There’s some evidence that as organizations make these systems more secure, usage goes up. It’s always been a problem to get enough credentials in enough peoples hands in order for it to hit critical mass. Healthcare seems to have the potential to be that application that everybody wants. There may just be a confluence of factors right now that are coming together to make this happen. It may take 3 or 4 years, but we’re less than a decade away from it.

Daniel Bennett: One of the interesting aspects of identity is that healthcare needs to be truly identified with an individual. Identity is a different type of best. Healthcare is truly about individual identity, not organizational identity.

Barry: The medical literature has gradually expanded its analysis of misidentification in healthcare. At this point, I can tell you state by state how many people are dying due to patient misidentification. Every clinician I speak does not seem to accept this information, I can’t get anybody to buy into it. Part of the problem is that when fatalities occurred by misidentification, the cause of death is not listed as such.

Daniel Bennett: It is really important to distribute that information.

Dazza: I think we should consider using that as a measure to document the success of this project.

Daniel Bennett: We need to include not allowing misidentity in our architecture.

8. Other Business

No other business discussed.

9. Adjourn

Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, May 12, 2011
  • Time: 10 am PDT | 1 pm EDT | 5 pm UTC | 7 pm CEST
  • Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Code: 4630912