HIA WG Concall 2011-10-13 Minutes
Kantara HIAWG Teleconference
Date and Time
- Date: Thursday, October 13, 2011
- Time: 10am PST | 1pm EST | 5pm UTC | 7pm CEST (Time Chart)
- Rich Furr
- David Chartash
- Barry Hieb
- Laurie Tull
- Bob Pinheiro
- Dazza Greenwood
- Rick Moore
- Dan Combs
- Anna Ticktin
- Pete Palmer
- John Fraser
- Daniel Bennett
- Lara Zimberoff
- Guest: David Thompson
- No apologies
- Intro
- Roll Call
- Approval of Minutes
- HIAWG PIDS in the HIMSS HIE Lights News: socializing PIDS at HIMSS Policy Summit 9/14-15 in Washington, DC
- HIMSS - News Kantara HIAWG PIDS Project Studies Patient Identity, Authentication, and Authorization
- http://www.himss.org/HIMSS_HIElights/20111006_HIELights.htm
- Guest Speaker: David Thompson, UCSF Medical School
- Prospect for PIDS integration with IndivoX and Open Source PHR Systems
- Possible Opportunities for Phase 1.5 and general Q&A
- Update on Direct Project
- Discussion for Launch PIDS 1.5
- Participation Commitments
- PIDS Update
- Phase 1.5, Leadership Council Budget Request
- Online Format
- Final Presentation
- Other Business
- Adjourn
1. Intro
a. Roll Call: see above
b. Approval of Minutes:
8/18 Minutes - no objections, approved unanimously
9/15 Minutes - no objections, approved unanimously
2. HIAWG PIDS in the HIMSS HIE Lights News: socializing PIDS at HIMSS Policy Summit 9/14-15 in Washington, DC
Rick Moore: 9/14 & 9/15 – HIMSS Summit in Washington DC with a number of leaders of HIMSS, specifically leaders in the HIE group in HIMSS. There is a history with our group tied to HIMSS. Request to include our group HIE Lights News. We submitted an essay to the news, links on agenda will take you to the article and you can see how it fit into the newsletter. You can subscribe to HIE Lights here, as well.
Lara tasked to schedule schedule a call early next week re: ONC demonstration project call, interested participants to email Lara
3. Guest Speaker: David Thompson, UCSF Medical School
Introduction by Dazza Greenwood, who knows David Thompson though MIT Media Labs new media medicine group. David is here to discuss potential integration of PIDS with Indivo, would be great to have David engaged in our work.
David Thompson: lead Salesforce architect at UCSF, leveraging the salesforce platform in healthcare. One large project is the Athena project, a large breast cancer study. Because Laura Estherman is based out of UCSF, I have had a chance to collaborate with her and the rest of the Athena team. We made a decision as a team that we wanted to create a unified platform for patient reporting platform using Athena as the reference customer. What we have done with Indivo is focused on creating a common standard. Because UCFS is research oriented, there is an interest in shortening the cycle between clinical and research. Next version will be unified platform version. Very interested in PIDS project and aligning projects.
Question: Where does salesforce fit into EHR?
David Thompson: Salesforce is a vector to do more of the patient-centric work. In terms of platform, it’s more accessible to web services and interoperability, innovation, etc.
John Fraser: How are the women in the study using IndivoX, and how does IndivoX plug into Salesforce?
David Thompson: Athena is not running on an IndivoX container yet. We are standardizing the various survey initiatives involved with Athena. We are laying the groundwork for more integration and looking to create common integration layer.
Dazza Greenwood: How does an open patient identity approach work well with an enterprise service like this?
David Thompson: Certainly identity is the key to it all. Patients don’t want to have 55 different logins to different systems. I think patient identity is a major issue, especially in regards to mobile device integration. As far as integration architecture and how it fits in, you look at master data management strategies. Defining a central, common vector location is critical. A patient-centric view in regards to integration, and identity is a key element of that.
Dazza Greenwood to distribute David's contact information to the group.
John Fraser: Obviously our effort is to build PIDS, and that different PIDS services could trust other PIDS services.
David Thompson: We do a lot with Shibboleth, it’s sort of a stand across the UC. There would be a lot of potential re-use within the architecture.
Barry Hieb: Have you had interaction with call eConnect?
David Thompson: I have some mutual contacts that are pretty close with them. My feelings on HIEs in general is that they have had a lot of success. I absolutely believe in the future of HIEs but it’s a tough issue. We need the architecture to support it, emanating from within the institutions. My feeling and my interest is to enable HIEs through various pieces of infrastructure.
John Fraser: I’m sensing interest from the group about PIDS initial development being integrated with IndivoX and the Athena study. What are next steps?
David Thompson: we need to find who the stakeholders would be and where the funding would come from. We certainly have a lot of resources available. I love building prototypes where they are designed to move from prototype into production, something that has all the right elements where once it gets buy-in, we can really start moving forward. Once we know what the first version looks like, I can start floating that to potential stakeholders. There are a lot of folks that we can try to bring in as stakeholders who would benefit from open interoperability.
4. Update on Direct Project
5. PIDS Update
6. Other Business
No other business
7. Adjourn
Next Meeting
- Date: Thursday, November 10, 2011
- Time: 10 am PDT | 1 pm EDT | 5 pm UTC | 7 pm CEST
- Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
- Code: 4630912