IAWG Meeting Notes 2011-09-14

IAWG Meeting Notes 2011-09-14


Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Helen Hill
Rich Furr
Rainer Horbe
Ben Wilson
Mickey Tevelow
Nathan Faut
David Wasley

Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin



  • Roll Call (quorum not reached)
  • Motion for minutes approval:  3 August 2011
  • Leadership Election : Myisha's year term has come to an end. Nominations will be taken via email over the course of the next 7 days.
  • ACTION ITEM 20110914-01 Anna : will send a request for nominations to the list. This action will be open for the course of 7 days.

2. VOTE:  Privacy Guidelines reference incorporated in Federal Privacy Profile
3. Roadmap Review

  • DRAC: (The familiar nature and inherent struggles of a consortium are discussed).
  • Ben Wilson continues to be interested in championing the project.
  • Joni inquires whether there is the proper support in the group (voices, feedback, areas of expertise etc) that could best partner with these efforts. How and to whom can Kantara reach out to and connect with valuable organizations that have vested interest in this work and would prove valuable partnerships? Staff needs the subject matter experts in the WG to highlight organizations or individuals, either already members within the groups or outside folks within the industry that may be interested in our efforts. With that, Joni will be armed with a list to which to reach out. But it is key to determine and highlight entities that will be directly impacted by our work efforts and a dog in the hunt.
  • David asks what are people in the industry looking for and what can we get them excited about?
  • Rich : What is Kantara's value proposition to the outside community?
  • There's an advocacy and support of adoption role missing in terms of SAML that existed in Liberty Alliance.
  • There's no real push for interoperability without incentives at the commercial level (large scale).
  • Question: What's the value proposition to the Relying Parties?

4. Communications Plan

  • ACTION ITEM 20110914-02 JONI will forward her latest deck for the IAWG to review and utilize as collateral.
  • How do we help mobilize RPs? How do we solve the proverbial "chicken & egg" syndrome? What's the golden incentive to RPs?
  • ACTION ITEM 20110914-03 IAWG : A recruiting thread will be commenced on the list for commercial and nonprofit orgs and individuals ("young deer grazing in our fields") and events or monthly educast sessions for Joni to do outreach and offer a Kantara pitch as well as offer an ear to hear the interest and feedback from the industry.

5. Budget requests:

  • DOCs: RAF & DRAC
  • General Communications Plan (IAWG & BoT)
  • LC Request : Assign $$ to supplement each of these items (discretionary)
  • or matched funding conducted by IAWG by outreaching to other interested orgs.
  • $2k for mktg development
  • How it will be used---collateral development? workshops?
  • $5k ea (DRAC, RAF) contingent on fund matching (Would the LC consider matching as "in-kind services"?
  • Timeline : due by 2012

6. AOB

  • None
