IAWG Meeting Notes 2011-10-12
IAWG Meeting Notes 2011-10-12
Andrews Hughes
Mickey Tevelow
Linda Goettler
Rich Furr
Mark Lizar
Bill Braithwaite
David Wasley
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Patrick Curry
Rainer Hoerbe
Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin
- Roll Call---quorum not reached. What follows will remain unofficial meeting notes.
- Motion for minutes approval: 21 Sept 2011.
Action carried to next quorate call.
2. Kantara Report from SWE and Internet2 — Joni
- Kantara Keynote: "sharing experience in federations" (sponsored by (dot)se)
- Joni presented the IAF and discussed Kantara as an organization which proved to be an excellent educational and recruiting session.
- European auditors showed interest as well as others in the trust communities.
North Carolina:
- Internet2 focussed on research and education with both US and international representation.
- Kantara collaborated on a joint session with InCommon and their work in NIH.
- Synergies were highlighted and a need identified for level 3 credentials.
3. Federal Privacy Profile comments
Doc on wiki : http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/OoBJAg
Proposed edits to comments:
- Language updated
- Language updated
- Language updated
- Acronym chart added
- TFET changed to a live link.
- Remove section 2.9 per discussion born on the list.
- Group consensus: no review period necessary
- Action Item 20111012-01 Anna---update the comments on the wiki, draft disposition of comments form, finalize the FPP doc to v1.2 status and submit the final package for an evote to the list.
4. Funding Reports
- Recruiting has increased so we hope to see impact in membership immediately and resource increases.
5. AOB
- P3WG's Privacy Assessment Criteria : http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Privacy+Assessment+Criteria+(PAC)
- Comments from Ken Dagg were forwarded to the list which address the international demand for PACs.
- Simple scope: Articulate a set of criteria for auditors to use when examining CSPs/IdPs.
- It is agreed there is an international need, but David suggest we start by answering TFET/FICAM first.
- The idea is to start with a tighter initial profile and then work backwards to a more encompassing "core" profile, which will promote usability now.
- Ken's comments seem to suggest indicating where in the "stack" this document might fall.
- Joni echo's international sentiments that there is interest in this kind of documentation specific to communities. (e.g. FICAM PAC, EU PAC...).
- The group discussed the problems of practical reality.