IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-12-14
IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-12-14
Patrick Curry
Mickey Tevelow
Nathan Faut
Joe Stuntz
Rich Furr
Bill Braithwaite
Richard Trevorah
Linda Goettler
David Wasley
Ben Wilson
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Ukchway (?) from Deloitte
Sal D'Agostino
- Rich moved to approve the previous meeting minutes (21 September and 26 October).
- Patrick seconded the motion.
- Meeting minutes approved.
Federal Privacy Profile:
- Will stay as is and not move to report status in fear that it wouldn’t pass an all member ballot and the repercussions of that with FICAM. Will still be changed to be Additional Criteria and Anna will send that around for WG vote. Sal suggested adding a link to the AMDG on our road map.
IAF / SAC Updates:
- Comments and recommended changes to the IAF will be on the Wiki page.
- ACTION: Myisha will send link to the wiki page after meeting. Adjust column to add POC on the work effort. Circulate to the mail list a one paragraph statement of objectives on the work effort to help shop it around to get funding for it.
- Symantec will need a partial assessment as a credential issuer and could be incorporated in other’s assessments when used as a credential issuer.
- Want to review the IAF expecting that the Symantec use case will be more of the norm than the exception.
- ACTION: Nathan will add to the wiki page the ability to break apart the SACs so that we can keep in the back of our minds as we review and move forward.
Identity Vetting Discussion:
- A number of nations are developing ID Assurance at 4 levels of assurance. Austria – Legal baseline for identity across Europe is being re-negotiated. Will affect all 24 nations in Europe. The US is involved in the discussions in the standards space at ISO, ITUT and ANSI. FICAM activity is absent – no formal government body pulling together. We should be asking NASPO to keep us up to date to find out when there’s a work product and potential review.
- ACTION: Check to see if Dan Combs can attend a future call
- TFMM FT7 program in the EUstic – if the bid is successful there’s a large work effort that can be stretched out over time with funding. Could potentially be included with the RAF as well. We’re still seeking funding for RAF.
- None