IAWG Meeting Notes 2011-01-26

IAWG Meeting Notes 2011-01-26

This was a non-quorate call. What follows are unofficial notes.


John Bradley
Patrick Curry
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Colin Soutar
Frank Villavicencio

Ken Dagg
Rainer hoerbe
mark lizar

Rich Furr
David Wasley
Richard Trevorah

Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin

Meeting Minutes:

1. Administrative:
Roll Call — Quorum 6/10 (not reached)

2.      SAC Level 3 / PKI Report: Rich Furr

  • Not in attendance.

3.      SAC Profile Creation Guidelines Doc

  • Myisha circulated to the list a revised draft document which includes the proposed process for interaction and approval between the Profile Creation Work Group and the IAWG. 
  • At a high level, the proposed concepts sound good, but the work group would like more time to review in order to really analyze the strength of the document.
  • Additionally, Ben Wilson circulated a draft SAC Profile Submission Form.
  • Patrick introduced "Proof of Concept" or otherwise the need to identify potential targets for adoption.
    In the UK: Citizen-to-Government authentication is in need of certification---how do we marry that with our willingness to create profiles to the SAC...?
  • The Wg indicated that the HIA vertical will be the first profiling pilot.
  • The second could target EU / UK use cases.

Next Steps:

  • WG approved draft of the SAC profiling guidelines
  • Submit that guidance to the TBD Profiling WG. Versioning of that draft guidance may be necessary as it is applied to the HIA use case profile.
  • ACTION ITEM 20110126-01 Myisha to finalize the latest draft version and resubmit to the list for a more thorough/official review on / by the next call.

(In Parallel):

  • The IAWG needs to pursue outreach and coordination efforts to communities of interest for feedback on mapping future pilots/use cases and to ensure convergence on this work.
  • Sync milestones with the TBD Profiling WG

4.      AOB
