IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-10-26

IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-10-26


Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Linda Goettler
Rich Furr
John Bradley
Tom Smeddinghof
Bill Brathwaite
Ben Wilson

Anna Ticktin



  • Roll Call
  • Motion for minutes approval:  21 Sept 2011
    Item carried to next call
  • Leadership Election: Congratulations are in order. The work group has re-elected Myisha Frazier McElveen as it's continuing Chair.

Action item review

  • ACTION ITEM 20110914-03 IAWG : A recruiting thread will be commenced on the list for commercial and nonprofit orgs and individuals ("young deer grazing in our fields") and events or monthly edu-cast sessions for Joni to do outreach and offer a Kantara pitch as well as offer an ear to hear the interest and feedback from the industry. On-going.

2. Update on NSTIC Activities

  • Jeremy Grant kicked off a 90minute session.
  • NSTIC is hung up in the congressional budget battle.
  • $ 24 million passed by Senate, but House did not provide any funding in the budget.
  • The program will go into a committee for review as an appropriation. Jeremy is confident funding will trickle down to NSTIC from the White House.
  • The first TFW certified under FICAM is Kantara and on track for the first Level 3 IdP.
  • Jeremy indicated NOI results will be released soon and an RFP for establishment of a steering committee.

3. Update on F2F

  • Joint P3-IAWG session discussing the PAC.
  • P3 is going to mature their document, review privacy in the IAF and offer a recommendation on where overlapping privacy principles/criteria should ultimately live.
  • IRB scope might be expanded to address cloud computing.
  • Certification against PAC vs IAF?
  • We're FICAM certified at this time, so if we change our document stack, we would need to renegotiate our TFW with FICAM. (FICAM has the TFW, Kantara has a number of assessments that FICAM recognizes as compatible with their program and policies.)

4. Funding Reports

  •  More research is going into how to create a European chapter of Kantara for funding purposes.

5. AOB

  •  Reminder : Kantara summit prior to the SCA conference
