IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-01-12
IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-01-12
These minutes were approved on 19 Jan 2011.
Shin Adachi
John Bradley
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Rich Furr
Colin Soutar
Bill Braithwaite
Rainer Hoerbe
Ben Wilson
Tom Smedinghoff
Pete Palmer
Ken Dagg
Frank Wray
Frank Villavicencio
David Wasley
Neil Clowes
Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin
Meeting Minutes:
A. Administrative:
- Reminder of Motion of Minutes Approval: 5 Jan 2011
- http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/idassurance/IAWG+Meeting+Minutes+2011-01-05
- Motion to approve minutes as captured on 05 Jan 2011---Myisha
- Seconded--- Rich Furr. No discussion. Motion carries.
Action Item Review:
- ACTION ITEM 20101215-02 Joni/Anna — Update the IAF documentation map to reflect where the SAC Profile Creation Rules document fits. No progress
- ACTION ITEM 20110105-01 FRANK ---18th Jan 2011 Collateral Materials / Value Proposition Slide Deck. In progress.
B. Budget Implications
- Re-baseline RoadMap (http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/idassurance/IAWG+RoadMap)
- The workgroup agreed to the following priorities, volunteers, deliverables and dates:
- 1. SAC Level 3 / PKI Report:
Rich Furr will review PKI level 3 and 4 SAC to determine the level of compliance with SAFE-BioPharma and FBCA Certificate Policies and estimate the level of effort to bring them into comparability. He will provide a report to the IAWG on the next call, 19 Jan 2011.
- 2. SAC Profile Creation Doc:
Dazza Greenwood will be joining next week's call to discuss the charter and efforts around kick starting a WG to addressing profile creations from a Healthcare perspective.
IAWG would need to provide the process around profile creation for that WG.http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/idassurance/Working+Drafts
- 3. RP Guidelines:
Ben Wilson and Frank Wray will circle with Tom Smeddinghof / ABA and provide a progress report to the IAWG on the 2 Feb 2011 telecon.
- 4. Trust Framework Architecture:
Rainer reports that he is coordinating efforts with Patrick Curry, Ken Dagg, Susan Morrow (UMA) and P3WG. This group will have a F2F at RSA in Mid February and provide a progress report on the IAWG call scheduled for 1 March 2011.
- John and Joni suggest FICAM Privacy Profile will need to be updated in the next 6-9 months. This item will stay on the IAWG radar, but off the roadmap for the time being.
C. Trust Framework Profile Workgroup---Myisha/Dazza
- This agenda item will be carried over to next week (19 Jan).
- None