IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-03-16

IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-03-16


John Bradley
Patrick Curry
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Rich Furr

Bill Braithwaite
Ben Wilson
Rainer Hoerbe
Pete Palmer
Tom Smedinghoff
Ken Dagg

Linda Goettler

Richard Trevorah
Colin Soutar
Mark Lizar

Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin



  • Roll Call---quorum is 4/6.
    Colin Soutar has requested non-voting status for upcoming weeks as his regular attendance will be compromised.
  • Reminder of Motion of Minutes Approval: 08 March 2011
    Though a quorate call, the work group will carry this item over to next week.

Action Item Review:  

  • Leadership Nominations — Anna
  • No nominations were received. Myisha will assume the full role of Chairman of the IAWG.


2. FAQs — Myisha

  • Rich supports a "Read Me First" doc and feels that investing work group efforts into an FAQ would derail current traction on more important work.
  • Bill agrees and suggests that an FAQ could point to the "Read Me First", and if there are questions from there, the work group could formulate FAQs from that feedback.
  • Per Frank's email, the FAQ's could start by addressing a few questions that are often asked by people outside of Kantara who have an interest in Identity Assurance, but may not have all of the context and background.
  • Myisha suggests Frank's email provided good points and initial FAQs for the work group to consider, but also asks if the "Read Me First" and other collateral may supplant the need for an FAQ?
  • There are some points that don't have a home in a "Read Me First" doc, so the need is there to capture these issues---but whether it's an FAQ or some other collateral or marketing material is up for discussion.
  • Ben Wilson suggests adding some high level concepts e.g. FAQ / glossary information for newcomers to the industry space,  and then link to the IAWG space for more Identity Management specific information.
  • ACTION ITEM 20110316-Myisha : will circulate a starter list of FAQs for the IAWG to provide feedback.
  • ACTION ITEM 20110316-02 Anna : will coordinate that feedback and expand it to the IAWG wiki space for practical application.

3. RP discussion---continued

  • Ben asks the work group to consider the concept of two types of recipients (thus this effort would require two types of documents): Assertion Recipients & Data Handlers
  • Ken supports this idea.
  • Question: Where does this work reside and more specifically, how do we work with P3WG?
    Joni advises that participants that are members of both groups will have access to cross-post to either work group's mailing list. Otherwise, the LC is continuing its consideration of a proposal around a TFW-specific LC subcommittee as well as looking into expanding the Kantara Ops Policy to address this arising issue.
  • Ben suggests working with loose reins initially and using the healthcare field as an initial model/use case to validate RP guidance.
  • Ken Dagg, Pete Palmer and Rich Furr support this.
  • Pete invites an IAWG presentation on an upcoming HIAWG telecon.
  • Rich supports this effort and highlights the cross-representation in membership between these groups. Given a few weeks to further efforts on this front, a presentation to HIAWG in a few weeks could be timely. This is very important within the Healthcare space in several regions (Canada, USA, EU...).

Next step:

  • ACTION ITEM 20110316-03--- Ben Wilson : draft a scope statement and circulate via all relevant lists for feedback. The IAWG hopes to have a draft statement by the next call and a compilation of Kantara WG feedback to consider in two weeks.

4. AOB

  • None.
