IAWG Meeting Notes 2011-04-07
IAWG Meeting Notes 2011-04-07
Ken Dagg
Ben Wilson
John Bradley
Rich Furr
Myisha Frazier McElveen
Bill Braithwaite
Richard Wilsher
Mark Lizar
Rich Trevorah
Pete Palmer
Helen Hill
Rainer Hoerbe
Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin
- Roll Call---This is a non quorate call.
- Reminder of Motion of Minutes Approval: 23 and 30 March
- IAWG Roadmap check in (for April)--- Anna & Myisha
Attribute Assurance Charter---John
- Single standard for Attributes would be a great resource but a tremendous undertaking
- Question : Should we pool those existing ISO standards to provide some type of mapping?
- Question : Where does this belong? Is this within the scope of the IAWG?
- Wish list for Attribute Assurance WG: (Schema, Verification & Protocol)
- Schema for mapping between various federations or agencies.
- Defining how attributes are defined or communicated.
- Concentrate on Claims 2.0
- Attributes in general have a scope as large as Identity Assurance itself. The scope of this workgroup must be refined in order to have hopes of even forming or ever delivering. The structure of the proposed WG could subdivide into committees in order to focus, function and deliver.
- Members agree that the work and efforts are valuable and needed, but must get their head around the structure, roadmap and deliverables that would be included in its charter.
- Efforts are currently being lead by John Bradley. Rich Furr is interested in contributing to this effort as well.
- An Attribute Assurance subgroup should be formed within the IAWG to define scope which would highlight the interdependencies of other WGs allowing those deliverables to be delegated.
- Discussion: What if Kantara considered a broader "General Assurance Framework (GAF)" inclusive of an identity component and attribute component
- ACTION ITEM 20110406-01 RICHARD : will draft loose language around the concept of the GAF. This item will be carried on to the next IAWG for further discussion and approval.
Feedback Matrix---Myisha
- The work group stepped through the matrix to determine the relevancy of items and how they map to IAWG or other Kantara WG.
- ACTION ITEM 20110406-02: Anna will forward the matrix to the list so that members may provide feedback directly into the document. These comments will be compiled onto a wiki space.
2. Data Recipient Criteria (draft) Scope discussion — Ben Wilson
- The IAWG has settled on "Data Recipient Criteria" in place of "Relying Party Guidance"
- Discussion continued on where this work truly lies (IAWG? or P3?)
- As the PF subgroup is currently drafting their roadmap and identifying deliverables, it is agreed to keep ownership/authorship with the IAWG and use the P3 as a review body.
3. Expiring Inactive Credentials
New draft language status update:
- No report on this call. Item will be carried to the next agenda.
4. SAC "Sanity Check"
- No report on this call. Item will be carried to the next agenda.
6. AOB
- None