IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-08-03

IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-08-03


John Bradley
Patrick Curry
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Rich Furr
Rich Trevorah
Helen Hill
Colin Soutar
David Wasley

Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin


Roll Call
Motion for minutes approval:  13 July 2011 , 27 July 2011

 2. Action item review

  • ACTION ITEM 20110622-02 JONI will draft language around an Attribute Assurance charter.
  • In progress.: full scope is unclear at this time so a DG was deemed more appropriate.
  • Its chartered for the purpose of forming an Attribute Assurance DG that will:
  • explore and understand the needs of KI stakeholders regarding Attribute Assurance,
  • discover works under development for potential adoption and/or collaboration
  • recommend KI's approach toward Attribute Assurance as appropriate
  • (A draft charter was distributed to the list in advance of the call.)

3. Attribute Assurance Work Group Charter

  •  Joni will update the draft DG charter based on IAWG feedback and recirculate the edits for consumption.

4. Funding Reports

  • Phase 1 TFMM---Patrick is woking with Rainier and outside EU support for about 80% of the task with the expectation that Kantara is picking up 20% balance.
  • Joni is continuing outreach with Patrick to Terena.
  • Joni will work with Patrick on the MOU and value proposition to Terena

5. Privacy Guidance for Assessors and IAF

  • In progress. Draft language to be submitted by staff to the IAWG by the next call for approval

6. AOB