IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-06-15
IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-06-15
Patrick Curry
Rich Furr
Linda Goettler
Bill Braithwaite
Myisha Frazier
Rainer Hoerbe
Richard Wilsher
John Bradley
Ken Dagg
Richard Trevorah
Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin
- Roll Call
- Motion for minutes approval: 6 April 2011, 13 April 2011
- Motion to approve minutes as recorded for the 6th and 13th of April moved by Rich Furr. Second by Bill. No discussion or objection---minutes are approved.
- Telecon Frequency — It is a general consensus that the work group will remain on a weekly schedule.
- KI position statement needed by Patrick for EC funding support by e.o.d.16 June 2011.
- Joni is working with IEEE-France to secure a legal EU base.
- Funding should continue to be discussed on regular IAWG calls as a necessity to drive funding. It will also be slated as an ongoing topic for the LC-TF-SC meeting.
Smart Card Alliance Nov 1st — workshop opportunity in Washington DC (9am-5pm)
- Potential topics :
TFW MM? IAF? International progress? - Would the IAWG be interested in pulling together an agenda for this opportunity? (Understanding, HIAWG, P3 & TFW MM will likely partner as well.)
- Myisha volunteers to assist. But, a champion is needed to craft a statement that summarizes the Smart Card Space to Kantara Trust Framework / higher levels of assurance.
2. NSTIC Report
- As the call went overtime, Joni will be forward a report via the list.
3. NOI Response
- Draft feedback / workgroup submission is requested within the next two weeks to be combined with other Kantara feedback in time to meet the 22 July deadline.
- ACTION ITEM 20110615-01--- Member responses are requested by next week's call, with the understanding that a full WG submission will be finalized by the 29th. (Please note, the consolidated response will be publicly available.)
- RGW will be sending his comments to the list asap. (Staff will be consolidating all response threads in order to compose the full Kantara response statement.)
4. AOB