IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-09-21
IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-09-21
John Bradley
Patrick Curry
Rich Furr
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Helen Hill
Andrew Hughes
Tom Smeddinghof
Nathan Faut
Richard Trevorah
Linda Goettler
Anna Ticktin
Joni Brennan
- Roll Call
- Motion for minutes approval: 3 August 2011
- Rich moves to approve the minutes as recorded on 3 August. John seconds. Hearing no discussion or objection, the minutes are approved.
- Leadership Election---Call for nominations open until Tuesday 27 Sept 2011
Action item review
- ACTION ITEM 20110914-02 JONI will forward her latest deck for the IAWG to review and utilize as collateral. Deck was sent to the list and reviewed on the call. Action closed.
- ACTION ITEM 20110914-03 IAWG : A recruiting thread will be commenced on the list for commercial and nonprofit orgs and individuals ("young deer grazing in our fields") and events or monthly educast sessions for Joni to do outreach and offer a Kantara pitch as well as offer an ear to hear the interest and feedback from the industry.
2. ARB Update: Privacy Guidelines reference incorporated in Federal Privacy Profile
- The board recommends that the IAWG could soften the language as suggested to better capture Kantara's position. It also advises that the group moves forward quickly and finalize a vote and the document. Given some conversations Rich has had with FICAM, he doesn't think it'll compromise the "provisional" removal.
- John moves to accept the edited language to include "review and consider" in place of the proposed "used". Seconded by Rich. No further objections or discussion. Motion carries and the document is approved as an IAWG draft recommendation.
3. Update: Budget Request
- Myisha submitted a budget request of 12k to the LC for consideration.
- 2k Communications effort
- 5k DRAC (contingent on receipt of matching funds or in-kind support)
- 5k RAF (contingent on receipt of matching funds or in-kind support)
4. Funding Reports
- Joni is looping with Terena, ReFeds and will be using upcoming travel to Sweden and North Carolina to push new partnerships and funding ops.
- Patrick continues to engage individual governments and shop Kantara's value proposition, but it has been agreed on this call to look to the Redwood City meetings for deeper dives face to face.
5. AOB
- As many members of the IAWG will be unable to attend the upcoming F2F in person, it was proposed to block time on the agenda for a joint session with P3 to address
- privacy.
Update LCTF-SC:
- WIKI space is being carved out for WG leadership to post TF work stream efforts. These notes and items will help craft the overall Kantara TF roadmap. The goal is to achieve aligned lexicon and messaging. We need to be on message and understand the landscape.