IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-01-19
IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-01-19
These minutes were approved on 2 March 2011.
Patrick Curry
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Colin Soutar
Frank Villavicencio
David Wasley
Bill Braithwaite
Richard Trevorah
Ben Wilson
Ken Dagg
Pete Palmer
Rainer Hoerbe
Dazza Greenwood
Dan Combs
John Bradley
Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin
Meeting Minutes:
Roll Call 6/10 Quorum — Achieved
- Reminder of Motion of Minutes Approval: 12 Jan 2011
- http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/idassurance/IAWG+Meeting+Minutes+2011-01-12
- Motion to approved the minutes as recorded on 12 Jan 2011: Bill Braithewaite
- Seconded: Myisha Frazier McElveen
- No discussion. Minutes are approved
Agenda Confirmation:
- Anna: Asks that voting members respond to the IAWG questionnaire sent out earlier this week.
Action Item Review:
- ACTION ITEM 20101215-02 Joni/Anna — Update the IAF documentation map to reflect where the SAC Profile Creation Rules document fits. In Progress as part of IAWG Pitch Deck
- ACTION ITEM 20110105-01 FRANK ---18th Jan 2011 Collateral Materials / Value Proposition Slide Deck. Completed.
Patrick's preliminary feedback from the IAWG / IAF sales pitch:
- BBFA will be focusing on the certification and accreditation slides and looking at Kantara materials for PKI at LOA 3 or higher...
2. SAC Profiling Process: Myisha
- Dazza Greenwood will be joining the call to discuss a charter and efforts around kick starting a WG to addressing profile creations from a Healthcare perspective.
- IAWG would need to provide the process around profile creation for that WG.
- SAC Profiling Guidelines doc: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/idassurance/Working+Drafts
- Question: Will the SAC Profiling Guidelines make a distinction between PKI or non-PKI at level 3?
- Response: there seems no need to create a separate tech component within the IAF, but rather it should be left to a community of interest to develop a more industry specific profile.
Profiling work group charter:
- Focusses on jurisdictional profiles, economic sectors or industry segment profiles
- The call for participation has seen healthcare come first to the table
- First responders is a great use case
- Goal: 1 credential that is recognized in emergency situations
Next Steps:
- Dazza will lead a BOF call followed by the full launch of the Profiling WG
Targeted end result:
- Proposal of one profile for the industry addressing conflict resolution and a process for profile creation — these elements are missing from the SAC Guidelines doc.
3. AOB
- Rainer reports on a recent presentation by Jeff Stollman on the P3 Privacy Framework.
- At the moment, there is not agreement that there will be a single Kantara Trust Framework, but there is a clear need to have a common set of terms and use cases---core pieces of the Trust Framework model.
- Patrick to connect Rainier with ISO folks and will follow up with Kantara in due course.
- This work could then be funneled into the BoT subcommittee that is being formed to work on confidential documents requiring specific IPRs or NDAs...
- ACTION ITEM 20110119-01 Anna: to convene a cross work group call with FIWG, P3WG, IAWG, UMA and HIAWG with the goal of identifying their workflows and inter-dependencies