IAWG Meeting Notes 2011-07-13
IAWG Meeting Notes 2011-07-13
Patrick Curry
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Linda Goettler
Colin Soutar
Rainer Hoerbe
Pete Palmer
Linda Goettler
Jaap Kuipers
Jonas Hogberg
Rich Furr
Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin
- Roll Call
- Motion for minutes approval: 6 July 2011 (quorum not reached)
Action item review
- ACTION ITEM 20110622-02 JONI will draft language around an Attribute Assurance charter. In progress.
2. ARB recommendation regarding FICAM Assessor Guidance Document :
The ARB passed two motions:
- Motion to accept the FICAM v.1.0 (final) of the assessor guidance as an informative assessment guide as applicable to the US Government Federal Profile of the IAF.
- Motion that the ARB recommends to the IAWG to incorporate an informative reference to the FICAM v.1.0 (final) of the assessor guidance as a URL reference in the FICAM profile of the IAF.
3. TFMM WG's draft of an assurance level model from a credential life cycle perspective — Rainer
2 general approaches to this work
- Categorizing LOAs
- Identifying the impact on IAF — How could this be modified?
- Rainer is asking how this will fit into the deliverables of the IAWG.
4. SCA
- Solidify content and form an agenda for the Summit so IAWG / Dervla can work with SCA in cross-promotion, publicizing, etc...
- Item carried over to next week's agenda.
5. Funding Reports
- Patrick urges that a European partner be identified asap (within a few days) in order for him to continue soliciting financial support.
- ACTION ITEM 20110713-01 Anna to circle with Joni for a status report on EU-KI partnership progress.
6. AOB