IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-03-09

IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-03-09


John Bradley
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Rich Furr
Colin Soutar
Richard Trevorah

Ken Dagg
Ben Wilson
Richard Wilsher
Mark Lizar

Jack Campbell

Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin


  • Roll Call--- quorum is 4/6. What follows is a quorate call.
  • Reminder of Motion of Minutes Approval: 02 March 2011
    Rich Furr moved to accept the minutes as recorded. Myisha seconded. With no discussion or objection, the minutes are approved as recorded.

Action Item Review: 

  • ACTION ITEM 20110302-01 Anna — will open the nominations process via the list. In progress.
  • ACTION ITEM 20110302-01 ANNA--- KI IAF -3410 v1.0 SAC Profiling Rules  report submitted to Kantara LC for review. Completed.

2.  Scope of the IAWG vs expansion of the IAF re: TFWs — Joni/John

  • The LC is reviewing a proposal drafted by all the TFW-tangential WGs and considering how to manage this work moving forward:
    (a) "super" TFW group or
    (b) a change in the operating policy to address how all current groups would work cross-functionally.
  • The LC is strongly considering forming an over-arching TFW / LC sub-committee  to coordinate TFW efforts across all of Kantara, thereby creating a panel/forum that provides the opportunity to participate without over-stretching bandwidth or compromising commitments to other WGs.
  • Additionally, there most likely will be a new charter created for a more permanent, working "home" for the TFW MM effort.
  • Rich Furr asks Myisha to support this effort on behalf of the IAWG and would like to volunteer his resources to development of the work going forward.

3. RPs Guidance doc discussion--- Ben Wilson / IAWG

  • Participants took a broad and informative look at Industry, academia, and government spaces as pertains to RPs and arrived at these points:
  • Relying party must by defined and it's purpose outlined as well.
  • Relying Party? vs. Recipient of Data?
  • Relying party---relies on an identity assertion
  • SACs are needed for RPs
    1. assertion agreement'
    2. mapping of policy
    3. contract of conformity (assessment)
  • These 3 conditions may be levied against LOA. Thus a RAC (Recipient Assessment Criteria) and a SAC may be necessary.

4. FAQs---Myisha

  • Due to time constraints, this item will be carried over to next week's agenda..

5. AOB

  • None.
