IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-05-25

IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-05-25


Richard Trevorah
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Nathan Faut
Ben Wilson
Neil Clowes
John Bradley
Linda Goettler
Richard Wilsher

Rich Furr
Patrick Curry
Joni Brennan

Anna Ticktin



  • Roll Call---quorum reached
  • Reminder of Motion of Minutes Approval: 27 April 2011
  • Motion to accept minutes as recorded : John Bradley. Seconded : Richard Trevorah and Linda Goettler. With no discussion or objection, the minutes are approved.

Action Item Review:

  • ACTION ITEM 20110330-01 : Expiring Credentials Language update. Resource needed. Include as edits to be updated to the sac---resurrect?
  • ACTION ITEM 20110406-01 RICHARD : GAF draft language. Progressed.
  • ACTION ITEM 20110413-01 ANNA will implement non-normative editorial changes proposed by Colin Wallis to the SAC Profiling Guidance doc and highlight those in a separate draft to the IAWG. Any substantive changes will be reviewed by the IAWG to determine their validity and whether to take immediate action or slate them for a future cycle. Progressed. Resent to list.

2.      F2F Debrief

  • GAF — assurance framework that rises above iaf ,paf, aaf. concept well received. tfw mm is key to helping identify, imperative component to the piecing together of this puzzle.

Reference Assurance Framework – deliverables

1. Specifications for:

  • Expressing criteria related to the specific needs of the assurance domain (e.g. Identity, Attributes, Privacy, …);
  • Expressing requirements and qualifications for assessors (of subject entities’ conformity to the above-referenced criteria);
  • Supporting profiles for conformity in specific manners.

2.  Process description for the receipt and handling of applications for assessor accreditation and service assessment, and the subsequent publication of successful application statuses.

3.  Pro formae for applicants, with regard to the above.

4.  Governance requirements for the oversight of approved assessors and services/entities.
5.  Overall document explaining the interplay between all of the above and guidance for their application for specific purposes.

  • Depending upon how the detail work progresses and reviewer feedback, these deliverables may constitute separate free-standing documents or be a single work with multiple
  • John : this could be seen as a conflict with NSTIC objectives because of commercial interests

DRAC---this item pertains to multiple work groups, namely IAWG and P3.

  • IAWG will point back to PAF for privacy components

3.  IAWG Roadmap

  • Reallocation of unused WG funding
  • NEILL : European Commission is not in the business of creating standards.
  •  Question : would the EC really want to reinvent the wheel and not leverage community work? And the EU is running at a very slow pace.
  • ACTION ITEM 20110525-01 MYISHA — budget request / proposal to LC for RAF / DRAC funding

4.      AOB
