IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-03-02

IAWG Meeting Minutes 2011-03-02

These minutes were approved on 02 March 2011.


John Bradley
Patrick Curry
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Rich Furr

Ben Wilson
Rainer Hoerbe
Ken Dagg
Nathan Faut
Pete Palmer

Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin

Meeting Minutes:


  • Roll Call 4/6
  • Reminder of Motion of Minutes Approval: 19 Jan 2011, 2 Feb 2011, 9 Feb 2011
  • Rich Furr moved to accept the above minutes as recorded.
  • John Bradley seconded. With no objection, the motion is approved.

Leadership Announcement:

  • With Frank's continued bandwidth issues, he is stepping down as chair but will continue on as an active participant when possible.
  • Myisha will assume full chairman duties at this time, but has suggested that a new co-chair or vice chair would be in the best interest of the wg should her own availability be compromised from time to time.
  • John Bradley moves to open nominations for vice-chair.
  • Rich Furr seconds. With no objection, the motion passes.
  • ACTION ITEM 20110302-01 Anna — will open the nominations process via the list.

 Berlin F2F

  • The 3 day agenda has been posted and Early-Bird registration is live. Members are encouraged to visit the link to review and utilize for sponsorship of their travels.

2. TFW-MM Report--- Rainer

  • Trust Framework Architecture was renamed to "Trust Framework Meta Model"
  • THW MM Purpose and Scope:
    1. Terminology (legal)
    2. To define a structure to align TFW components to each other
    3. Testing tool---collection of assessment criteria or protection requirements from various frameworks used to define a super framework or model and thereby run a gap analysis
  • Conclusion: sponsoring will be needed, including personnel resources and software development.
  • Targeting a summertime deliverable

IAWG scope discussion regarding TFW MM:

  • IAWG's current scope does not currently consider it's scope to include all Trust Frameworks.
  • Should the IAWG attempt to host all various components?
  • Or should the IAWG remain strictly focussed on Id Assurance in order to achieve its deliverables?
  • Many members feel that the momentum at this time is in the IAWG. The work should remain here until a better proposal is made.
  • However,  the question is posed: What's the coordination mechanism (like with aba, other external bodies, etc.)?
  • How do we move this forward? IAWG? P3WG? An additional WG?
  • What is the impact on the RPs Guidance effort?
  • RPs need to rely on 2 things:  to be assured of the identity at a certain level and assured that the transaction is secure.
  • Should we consider a charter change or increase the scope of the IAF?
  • Rainer will continue moving forward with this effort since it's deemed very needed, whilst the LC considers this discussion and drafts some proposals to further resolve the issue.

4. SAC Profiling Guidance Doc---Myisha

  • Rich moves to accept the SAC Profiling Doc v1.0 as an IAWG report to be used as the foundation of the Profiling WG.
  • John Bradley seconds. With no objection, the motion is approved.
  • ACTION ITEM 20110302-01 ANNA: will prepare the final draft of the document and formally hand it over as an IAWG approved report for the Kantara Leadership Council's review.
