IAWG Meeting Notes 2011-11-30

IAWG Meeting Notes 2011-11-30


Myisha Frazier McElveen
Mickey Tevelow
Richard Trevorah
Nathan Faut
Helen Hill
Colin Soutar
Joe Stuntz

Rich Furr
Patrick Curry

Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin


1. Administrative:

  • Roll Call---(non quorate)
  • Motion for minutes approval: 21 Sept 2011,26 Oct 2011
    Item held until next quorate call.
  • Action item review: None.

2.  ARB update: Richard(s)As the organization has moved through the Accreditation and Certification pilot, there are several issues the ARB would like to highlight to the IAWG for discussion and further action. Kantara would like to address some of the IAF materials, highlight any updates to FICAM and seek their review and (re)approval (IAF 2.0---pending action item).

  • AQR updates (see attached)
  • Discussion : MGMT Assertion Letters / Period vs Point of Time Audits (Richard Trevorah)
  • Kantara Assertions appear to be point in time when it should really by a period of time review.
  • New systems would be subjected to one-time, special circumstance of a Day One/Day Zero audit.
  • The SAC does not state the period of time that must be reviewed in order to post the seal.
  • Kantara Assessment Review could capture these issues so that the SACs aren't constantly updated, but rather these updates could be leveraged across future documents and circumstances.
  • Discussion : Need for Identity Proofing Criteria (Richard Wilsher)
    Item tabled until next call with the absence of Richard.

3. Road Map Review

  • The KAR should be added to the IAWG Roadmap.
  • By year end, the WG should have a list of all necessary / outstanding IAF updates and then target Q1 to provide that fully updated package to FICAM.
    The IAWG will prioritize gaining wg approval on the minor edits levied against the US FPP, and resubmit it to the LC for their review and ratification in advance of an all-member ballot (to be launched in the new year.)

4. AOB

  •  Kantara has completed an accreditation and high level of certification. Press will be released next week.
